Ensuite, je ne pense pas que la modernité de nos sociétés industrielles sur-médiatisées atténueront la folie sanguinaire de nos petits « chefs » lorsqu’ils nous imposeront de liquider le voisin d’en face. [146][147], Described as more democratic and republican than her nationalist father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the previous leader of the FN, she has attempted to shift the party's image, based on reformulated policy positions, and has changed some political positions of the party, advocating for civil unions for same-sex couples, accepting unconditional abortion and withdrawing the death penalty from her platform. [30] Le Pen is known to be a chain smoker.[31]. In her first appearance as a main guest on 23 June 2011, Le Pen appeared opposite Cécile Duflot, national secretary of The Greens. Lionel Baland... Dans un article publié en Hongrie et repéré par le journal Valeurs Actuelles, Viktor Orban, premier ministre de Hongrie, ne mâche pas ses mots... Ce dimanche 20 et lundi 21 septembre 2020, les électeurs de sept régions italiennes ont été appelés à élire les membres de l’assemblée régionale,... Jean-Yves le Gallou, animateur de l'émission I-Média et entre autres fonctions président de la Fondation Polémia, vient de sortir... Nous vous avons présenté samedi un excellent livre baptisé « Suprémacistes », l'enquête mondiale chez les gourous de la... Nous vous avons rendu compte cette semaine des travaux qui se sont déroulés lors du colloque de l'Institut Iliade,... Après une première partie, suite et fin de la recension du VIIème colloque de l'Institut Iliade ayant eu lieu... Ils s'appelaient Gaspard, Siméon, Auguste. Since 2001, Gérard Dalongeville has been the Mayor of Hénin-Beaumont, an economically deprived town in a former coal mining area. Le Pen sat on the commission for international trade. Au sommaire de l’actualité de ce soir, retour sur les dernières décisions du gouvernement relatives au Covid-19. Certains "Jeunes avec Gollnisch" (JAG) avaient même parlé de "purges rachlino-staliniennes". Ancien leader du Scottish National Party (SNP) à la Chambre des communes, ex n°2 du parti,... Nous vous avons présenté samedi un excellent livre baptisé « Suprémacistes », l'enquête mondiale chez les gourous de la droite identitaire. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. On 1 May 2017, a video emerged of Le Pen copying sections of a speech by Francois Fillon word-for-word.[143]. Nous utilisons la plateforme Mailchimp. Her first appearance as a sole guest on 15 September 2011 was viewed by an average of 6 million viewers (23.3% of the television audience) with a peak of 7.3 million in the second half of the programme. En 2013, il devient délégué national du FN à la communication numérique[15]. [1][2][3] In 2012, she placed third in the presidential election with 17.90% of the vote, behind François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. Le ministre de la Santé,... Angus Robertson fête ce lundi ses 51 ans. On 7 May, she conceded defeat to Emmanuel Macron. Rue89 relevait en 2011 que David Rachline était d'origine juive et s'interrogeait, du coup, sur sa proximité passée avec Alain Soral. "[114] Commentators also pointed that there were more young people and women voting for the party in 2012. The NF's communications also received media attention: a new Mitterrand-inspired poster depicting her in a rural landscape with the slogan "Appeased France" was a response to surveys indicating that she remained controversial for large parts of the French electorate. On 10 and 11 September 2011, she made her political comeback with the title "the voice of people, the spirit of France" in the convention center of Acropolis in Nice. [38][39], On several occasions during her campaign she ruled out any political alliance with the Union for a Popular Movement. Member of the European Parliament in the Île-de-France constituency (20 July 2004 – 13 July 2009): Non-Inscrits (20 July 2004 – 14 January 2007/14 November 2007 – 13 July 2009); Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (15 January 2007 – 13 November 2007). [55], Le Pen's partner Louis Aliot,[28] a member of the FN's Executive Committee, criticized "the attempted manipulation of opinion by communitarian groups and those really responsible for the current situation in France". I don't think that our propositions are extreme propositions, whatever the subject". Mediapart estime ainsi que « l’entourage de Rachline tient aujourd’hui l’essentiel des leviers de la communauté d’agglomération et ce, grâce aux élus de LR »[30].  Breizh-info.com, 2020, dépêches libres de copie et de diffusion sous... En cette année 2020 particulière, le salon Entreprendre dans l’Ouest a malgré tout annoncé la tenue de sa 23e édition les 2 et 3... Une manifestation contre la GPA et la PMA sans père se tiendra le 10 octobre à Nantes, à l'appel du collectif Marchons enfants. Réunification de la Bretagne. ", she expressed the view that her political activities would be more effective for the city at regional and European levels than in the municipal council.[244].

We must leave Schengen Area", "The French-Italian summit of 26 April will be no use if France does not announce that it definitively breaks with Schengen Agreement", "L'Ukraine de l'Ouest désormais " ouvertement " vassalisée par Washington", http://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/monde/2014/08/04/31002-20140804ARTFIG00073-belgique-chronique-d-une-implosion-annoncee.php, "The arch-enemy of the French political parties", "Frédéric Mitterrand admitted to paying for sex with 'young boys' in Thailand", "Mitterrand fights for his job after rent boy admission", "J. Fourquet: "Marine Le Pen has broken through the Mitterrand case, "Marine Le Pen still champion of the ratings", "Audiences : Marine Le Pen suivie par 6 millions de téléspectateurs sur TF1", "Madame Rage: Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses (Part 1: Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses, Part 2: The Divide Between the Governing and the Governed, Part 3: 'As a Woman, You Have a Close Relationship with Reality, "France will pull out of NATO – Marine Le Pen speaks to Kommersant about her programme", "A new Le Pen will lead the French far right", "Marine Le Pen on the Israeli radio 90FM", "Marine Le Pen invited by the European American Press Club", "Marine Le Pen en Italie: l'ombre portée du MSI | Droite(s) extrême(s)", "Marine Le Pen sparks Cambridge protests", "Marine Le Pen sparks protest on Cambridge visit", "No Platform for Marine Le Pen – A Response by Cambridge Libertarians", "2004 European election results: Île-de-France", "2009 European election results: North-West France", "France: list of the 72 MEPs by constituency (2009–2014)", "2009 European election results: Picardy", "2009 European election results: Hénin-Beaumont", "2009 European election results: Courcelles-lès-Lens", "2009 European election results: Noyelles-Godault", "1993 French legislative election results: Paris' 16th constituency", "2002 French legislative election results: Pas-de-Calais' 13th constituency", "Marine Le Pen : Pas-de-Calais in her sights", "2007 French legislative election results: Pas-de-Calais' 14th constituency", "Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen's Vitrolles ?

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[213] Le Pen was the only FN candidate in France to qualify for the run-off. 25 FN representatives were elected to the European Parliament from France. [132], The ground floor of the building which housed Le Pen's campaign headquarters was targeted by an arson attempt during the early morning of 13 April 2017. [202], In the 2009 European parliament election, Le Pen led the FN list in the North-West France constituency. En octobre 2019 il met en place un couvre-feu pour les mineurs, affirmant qu’en tant que « maire confronté aux réalités, aux plaintes, aux troubles, c’est [sa] responsabilité de rétablir l’ordre »[27]. She was ordered to pay a €10,000 fine. [97], In a speech in Paris on 19 November 2011, Le Pen presented the main themes of her presidential campaign: sovereignty of the people and democracy, Europe, re-industrialisation and a strong state, family and education, immigration and assimilation versus communitarianism, geopolitics and international politics. Ce jour-là, sur RTL, Jean-Marie Le Pen a pensé à lui et « ce n’est jamais désagréable ». In the first days of the second round campaign, the gap in opinion polls began to narrow. Eric Zemmour face à Alain Bauer, Le Stade Rennais en tête de Ligue 1, défaites de Nantes et Brest, Lorient stagne, Philippe Vardon (FN) condamné à 6 mois de prison ferme pour… avoir défendu sa femme et ses fils, Quimper. ", "Marine Le Pen's press conference at the National Press Club in Washington", "Marine Le Pen launches the debate about the future of IMF", "Marine Le Pen's open letter to policemen, gendarmes and customs officers concerning the policy of fight against illegal immigration", "Schengen : Sarkozy admits the extent of the disaster but does not act ! Le Pen had tweeted an image of beheaded journalist James Foley in December 2015, which was deleted following a request from Foley's family. BREIZH-INFO est un média indépendant traitant de l’actualité bretonne et internationale. She was baptized 25 April 1969, at La Madeleine. This is state manipulation : the proof ! In April 2015, Le Pen's father gave two interviews including controversial statements about World War II and about minorities in France, causing a political crisis in the FN. She has an apartment in Hénin-Beaumont. They divorced in 2006. Il est réélu maire à l'issue des élections municipales de 2020. [57][58][59] After Jean-François Kahn's comments on BFM TV on 13 December 2010, she accused the Élysée Palace of organising "state manipulation" with the intention of demonizing her in public opinion. Le Pen's first attempt to assemble this grouping in 2014 had failed due to UKIP and the Sweden Democrats refusing to join, as well as some controversial statements from her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Il participe activement à la dernière campagne présidentielle de Jean-Marie Le Pen, en 2007[10] : avec Farid Smahi, il organise la venue de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur la dalle d’Argenteuil (aussi appelé « opération Asperge »), où, deux ans plus tôt, Nicolas Sarkozy avait prononcé des propos polémiques sur le « Kärcher » et la « racaille » ; le succès de l'opération est mitigé[5]. Né le 2 décembre 1987 à Saint-Raphaël, David Rachline a été Conseiller régional de PACA (mars 2010 - octobre 2014). [29] She spends most of her time in Saint-Cloud, and has lived in La Celle-Saint-Cloud with her three children since September 2014. The media and her political adversaries are accused of spreading an "unfair, wrong and caricatural" image of the National Front. Nationally, the FN had two lawmakers elected: Le Pen's niece Marion Maréchal and Gilbert Collard. She became one of the two executive vice-presidents of the FN in 2007, with responsibility for training, communication and publicity. Political analysts suggested that Le Pen's strong position in opinion polls was due to the absence of a primary in her party (consolidating her leadership), the news of the migrant crisis and terrorist attacks in France (reinforcing her political positions) and the very right-wing campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in the Republican primary (enlarging her themes). Marine Le Pen announced her candidacy for the 2017 French presidential election on 8 April 2016, and from the start maintained high support in opinion polling. Addressing the party's annual rally at Place de l'Opéra, she vowed to cast a blank ballot and told her supporters to vote with their conscience, saying: "Hollande and Sarkozy – neither of them will save you. Son "ancien compagnonnage lui vaut quelques inimitiés jusqu'au sein du "Front"", note d'ailleurs TF1. David Rachline, maire Rassemblement national de Fréjus, était l’invité de #LaMatinale sur CNEWS. [6][112] She also came first in her municipal stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont (35.48%, 4,924 votes), where Hollande and Sarkozy polled 26.82% (3,723 votes) and 15.76% (2,187 votes) respectively. Following the election, Briois and Le Pen sat in opposition against the re-elected mayor Gérard Dalongeville and his first vice-mayor Marie-Noëlle Lienemann. Free Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch Now. It is people who have fled the big cities and the inner suburbs because they can no longer afford to live there. [144], In 2019, it was reported that Le Pen no longer wants France to leave the European Union, nor for it to leave the euro currency. [92] During a demonstration held in front of the Senate on 8 December 2011, she expressed in a speech her "firm and absolute opposition" to the right of foreigners to vote. Le Pen joined the FN in 1986 and was elected as a Regional Councillor (1998–present), a Member of European Parliament (2004–2017), and a municipal councillor in Hénin-Beaumont (2008–2011). Le port du masque vu par Franjo. [24] In 2006, she managed the presidential campaign of her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen polled 24.24% (10,228 votes) in the first round, qualifying for the run-off against socialist Jean-Claude Bois, in which Le Pen received 32.30% (12,266 votes); Bois was re-elected as the MP with 67.70% (27,510 votes).[211]. [4][5][6] She launched a second bid to become President of France at the 2017 presidential election. A municipal by-election was held in Hénin-Beaumont on 28 June and 5 July 2009. Les mystérieuses coupures d’électricité d’Aberhosan enfin résolues, Quimper. [233], In the run-off, her list polled 22.20% (301,190 votes) in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, finishing in third position. Sur les questions économiques, ses interventions montrent, d'après Public Sénat, « une volonté de contourner les syndicats et de libéraliser le marché du travail »[36]. Rue89 relevait en 2011 que David Rachline était d'origine juive et s'interrogeait, du coup, sur sa proximité passée avec Alain Soral. Her performance was strongly criticised by politicians, commentators, and members of her own party, and described as a "sabotage" by conservative journalist Eric Zemmour. Membre du Front national depuis 2002, il est maire de Fréjus depuis 2014. "[23] Her parents divorced in 1987.[24][25]. Éric Farel, Maxime Fieschi et Mehdi Gherdane, commission consultative départementale de sécurité et d'accessibilité, communauté d'agglomération Var Estérel Méditerranée, mouvement contre le contrat première embauche, loi relative au travail, à la modernisation du dialogue social et à la sécurisation des parcours professionnels, « David Rachline, un jeune loup du FN au discours policé », « Municipales à Fréjus : quand le FN Rachline prônait la prime de naissance des Mégret », « David Rachline, le FN génération Marine », « David Rachline, le jeune qui monte au Front », 5 choses à savoir sur David Rachline, directeur de campagne de Marine Le Pen, Journal officiel de la République française, « Municipales : un ancien proche d’Alain Soral peut remporter Fréjus », Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique, Groupe Front national – Rassemblement national, Affaire des assistants parlementaires au Parlement européen, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=David_Rachline&oldid=173047173, Conseiller régional de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Sénateur membre du Rassemblement national, Sénateur de la Cinquième République française, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la vie publique, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais simplifié, Portail:Politique française/Articles liés, Portail:Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Pour une agréable... 23/11/2014 – 08h00 Quiberon (Breizh-info.com) – Voici ma toute première impression en arrivant sur place: le lieu porte bien son nom. There are of course no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents. L’universitaire François Rachline, ancien directeur général de l’Institut Montaigne, est formel : Aux journées d’été de Marine Le Pen, David Rachline, à qui l’on donne 30 ans alors qu’il en a 23, sourit quand on lui pose la question. She finished third with 11.10% (3,963 votes), and Bernard Pons (UDR) was re-elected as the MP with 63.14% (22,545 votes) in the first round. Celui qui est désormais secrétaire national à la communication numérique, ne se souvient pas avoir prononcé cette phrase au Congrès de Tours. Marine Le Pen joined the FN in 1986, at the age of 18. [107][108], On 13 March 2012, she announced that she had collected the 500 signatures required to take part in the presidential election. Her first campaign appearance on television, four days later, received the highest viewing figures on France 2 since the previous presidential election (16.70% with 3.7 million viewers). Meanwhile, the FN logo and the name Le Pen were removed from campaign posters. Mediapart relève en 2016 qu'« au Sénat, où il est élu depuis deux ans, l’islam est [...] au cœur de ses interventions, même si c’est à la commission de l'aménagement du territoire et du développement durable qu’il siège »[8]. [129], Le Pen met with several incumbent heads of state including Lebanon's Michel Aoun,[130] Chad's Idriss Déby,[131] and Russia's Vladimir Putin. In 2014, Le Pen led the party to further electoral advances in the municipal and senatorial elections: eleven Mayors and two Senators were elected, with the FN entering the upper chamber for the first time. « intéress[é] de près à l'action politique et militante », « scandalisé [des] persécutions politiques, judiciaires et financières », « extrêmement motivé du fait de l’arrivée de Jean-Marie Le Pen au second tour de l’, « a remonté le FNJ alors que cette structure avait presque disparu des écrans radars », « rendu le FNJ plus “propre sur lui”. [120], She achieved her lowest regional result in Île-de-France (12.28%, 655,926 votes),[121] her lowest departmental result in Paris (6.20%, 61,503 votes),[122] and her lowest overseas result in Wallis and Futuna (2.37%, 152 votes). View the profiles of people named David Rachline. [190][191] She appeared on Quebec web-radio station Rockik in December 2008,[192] Radio Canada in May 2010,[193] and the Israeli radio station 90FM in March 2011. Gilles Pennelle (FN) et David Rachline pour une nouvelle charte des identités régionales, David Rachline. ». [234] Le Pen's list had the second highest vote share of NF regional lists in France, behind Jean-Marie Le Pen's list which received 22.87% (387,374 votes) with 21 councillors elected. [145] She has been a vocal opponent of the Treaty of Lisbon,[156] and opposes EU membership for Turkey and Ukraine. [citation needed] Commentators have highlighted how her calm image contrasts with the stereotypes generally attributed to her political family. [111], Le Pen polled first in Gard (25.51%, 106,646 votes), with Sarkozy and Hollande polling 24.86% (103,927 votes) and 24.11% (100,778 votes) respectively. La justice relève qu'il s'agissait d'un emploi fictif, ce qui vaut au Front national une condamnation pour « recel d’abus de biens sociaux »[13]. François Baroin, the government spokesman, rejected her provocation and hatred of others. She was beaten in the second round with 49.86% and filed an appeal with the Constitutional Council, which was rejected despite noting some irregularities. Bienvenue ! [141] "The President of the Republic is the president of all the French people, they must bring them all together," she said. Aujourd’hui, une partie de la direction ressemble à des militants sortis d’une université d’été des Jeunes Populaires… Mais, pour ce qui est du discours, il est toujours radical : voir les dernières campagnes axées autour de « l’islamisme » et de l’immigration. Pour autant, durant son mandat de coordinateur national, il sévertue à maintenir le Front national de la jeunesse dans une situation de neutralité, dans le cadre de la campagne interne en vue du XIVe Congrès du parti (janvier 2011). En 2006, il accède à la présidence de la section varoise du Front national de la jeunesse (FNJ), ainsi qu'à celle des « Jeunes avec Le Pen »[8],[5], et passe par « Génération Le Pen », le mouvement de Marine Le Pen[11]. [92] On 6 October 2011, she held a press conference to introduce the members of her presidential campaign team. David Rachline est le fils du militant socialiste Serge Rachline1, dont les grands-parents juifs ont migré en France depuis l'Ukraine2, et de Dominique Vandra3. La nouvelle direction du FN lui reprocherait notamment la dureté avec laquelle il a réglé les "problèmes" avec les jeunes soutiens de Bruno Gollnisch. Municipal councillor of Hénin-Beaumont (23 March 2008 – 24 February 2011). Le Pen's success in these elections reinforced her internal position within the FN. Mediapart indique que sous sa mandature, « le RN réussi à noyauter bon nombre d’associations de la ville », et le maire nomme désormais les présidents des conseils de quartiers[25]. On peut y... Retour des reportages de notre photographe Kasia, animatrice du blog bretonissime.com avec cette semaine, la découverte d'un nouveau coin magnifique de Bretagne, les Abers. [68] She distanced herself from her father on the gas chambers he famously called "a detail in the history of World War II", saying that she "didn't share the same vision of these events". Le Pen expressed the view that due to unemployment, offshoring and insecurity, the constituency symbolised the major problems of France. Dans le cadre des débats au Sénat sur le projet de loi, en juin 2016, il dépose des amendements jugés trop libéraux et favorables aux entreprises par Marine Le Pen, qui lui demande de les retirer et d'appeler au retrait de la loi[35],[8]. [194] In March 2011, she appeared on the front cover of The Weekly Standard magazine. "Marine Le Pen: "The real problem is the Euro! Il se définit comme un « agnostique qui cherche »[4]. C'est la question qu'entend se poser le think tank Breizh Civic Lab à l'occasion d'une rencontre politique, prévue le... La session de Conseil régional de la région Bretagne le 10 juillet 2020 a abordé la question de la réunification et a fait des... J’ai beau être un nationaliste breton convaincu depuis ma plus tendre adolescence, c'est à dire voici plusieurs décennies déjà, je n’en demeure pas moins... "La Bretagne comptera-t-elle un jour 5 départements ?" This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 07:03. Antoine Mellies, responsable argumentaires du FNJ, finit par nous dire : Le 28 avril 2017, le parquet de Bobigny ouvre à son encontre et à celle de Steeve Briois une information judiciaire pour avoir partagé en octobre 2016 sur sa page Facebook un message incitant à la violence à l'encontre du maire de Sevran Stéphane Gatignon[39]. [142], After progressing to the second round, she said that the campaign was now "a referendum for or against France" and tried to convince those voting for the hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon to support her. It is the small shopkeepers who are going under because of the economic crisis and competition from the out-of-town hypermarkets; it is low-paid workers from the private sector; the unemployed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WawtcqKrqSA #30. In December 2010 and early January 2011, FN members voted by post to elect their new president and the members of the central committee. Entretien avec Götz Kubitschek, écrivain et éditeur allemand de la Nouvelle Droite. The Guardian noted that the attack could serve as "ammunition" for right-wing candidates in the election, including Le Pen. » Il occupe ce poste jusqu'en 2011[11]. [243] In a letter entitled "I stay in Hénin-Beaumont! The opponents of the FN denounce it as a more-dangerous strategy because of its evident success. »[21] Selon lui, cette mosquée serait entachée d'« illégalités en matière d'urbanisme et de sécurité »[21]. Following the increase in support for the FN in the presidential election, Le Pen announced the formation an electoral coalition to contest the June 2012 parliamentary elections called the Blue Marine Gathering. Mais son père, Serge Rachline était juif non pratiquant et socialiste (« du genre Nouvel Obs »). [63][64] It has been seen as a way to humanize her party. [236] Her regional vote share and the vote share in Pas-de-Calais were higher than those of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the run-off of the 2002 presidential election (21.89%, 445,357 votes;[237] 22.17%, 170,967 votes).[233]. [34] All the other departments were visited by one of her official supporters. [232] In Pas-de-Calais, her list polled 24.37% (130,720 votes), finishing ahead of the UMP (22.63%, 121,365 votes),[230] and achieved its highest municipal results in Hénin-Beaumont (44.23%, 3,829 votes)[231] and Courcelles-lès-Lens (40.60%). » (Ecouter le son). Quelle démocratie régionale pour demain ?

Ensuite, je ne pense pas que la modernité de nos sociétés industrielles sur-médiatisées atténueront la folie sanguinaire de nos petits « chefs » lorsqu’ils nous imposeront de liquider le voisin d’en face. [146][147], Described as more democratic and republican than her nationalist father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the previous leader of the FN, she has attempted to shift the party's image, based on reformulated policy positions, and has changed some political positions of the party, advocating for civil unions for same-sex couples, accepting unconditional abortion and withdrawing the death penalty from her platform. [30] Le Pen is known to be a chain smoker.[31]. In her first appearance as a main guest on 23 June 2011, Le Pen appeared opposite Cécile Duflot, national secretary of The Greens. Lionel Baland... Dans un article publié en Hongrie et repéré par le journal Valeurs Actuelles, Viktor Orban, premier ministre de Hongrie, ne mâche pas ses mots... Ce dimanche 20 et lundi 21 septembre 2020, les électeurs de sept régions italiennes ont été appelés à élire les membres de l’assemblée régionale,... Jean-Yves le Gallou, animateur de l'émission I-Média et entre autres fonctions président de la Fondation Polémia, vient de sortir... Nous vous avons présenté samedi un excellent livre baptisé « Suprémacistes », l'enquête mondiale chez les gourous de la... Nous vous avons rendu compte cette semaine des travaux qui se sont déroulés lors du colloque de l'Institut Iliade,... Après une première partie, suite et fin de la recension du VIIème colloque de l'Institut Iliade ayant eu lieu... Ils s'appelaient Gaspard, Siméon, Auguste. Since 2001, Gérard Dalongeville has been the Mayor of Hénin-Beaumont, an economically deprived town in a former coal mining area. Le Pen sat on the commission for international trade. Au sommaire de l’actualité de ce soir, retour sur les dernières décisions du gouvernement relatives au Covid-19. Certains "Jeunes avec Gollnisch" (JAG) avaient même parlé de "purges rachlino-staliniennes". Ancien leader du Scottish National Party (SNP) à la Chambre des communes, ex n°2 du parti,... Nous vous avons présenté samedi un excellent livre baptisé « Suprémacistes », l'enquête mondiale chez les gourous de la droite identitaire. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. On 1 May 2017, a video emerged of Le Pen copying sections of a speech by Francois Fillon word-for-word.[143]. Nous utilisons la plateforme Mailchimp. Her first appearance as a sole guest on 15 September 2011 was viewed by an average of 6 million viewers (23.3% of the television audience) with a peak of 7.3 million in the second half of the programme. En 2013, il devient délégué national du FN à la communication numérique[15]. [1][2][3] In 2012, she placed third in the presidential election with 17.90% of the vote, behind François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. Le ministre de la Santé,... Angus Robertson fête ce lundi ses 51 ans. On 7 May, she conceded defeat to Emmanuel Macron. Rue89 relevait en 2011 que David Rachline était d'origine juive et s'interrogeait, du coup, sur sa proximité passée avec Alain Soral. "[114] Commentators also pointed that there were more young people and women voting for the party in 2012. The NF's communications also received media attention: a new Mitterrand-inspired poster depicting her in a rural landscape with the slogan "Appeased France" was a response to surveys indicating that she remained controversial for large parts of the French electorate. On 10 and 11 September 2011, she made her political comeback with the title "the voice of people, the spirit of France" in the convention center of Acropolis in Nice. [38][39], On several occasions during her campaign she ruled out any political alliance with the Union for a Popular Movement. Member of the European Parliament in the Île-de-France constituency (20 July 2004 – 13 July 2009): Non-Inscrits (20 July 2004 – 14 January 2007/14 November 2007 – 13 July 2009); Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (15 January 2007 – 13 November 2007). [55], Le Pen's partner Louis Aliot,[28] a member of the FN's Executive Committee, criticized "the attempted manipulation of opinion by communitarian groups and those really responsible for the current situation in France". I don't think that our propositions are extreme propositions, whatever the subject". Mediapart estime ainsi que « l’entourage de Rachline tient aujourd’hui l’essentiel des leviers de la communauté d’agglomération et ce, grâce aux élus de LR »[30].  Breizh-info.com, 2020, dépêches libres de copie et de diffusion sous... En cette année 2020 particulière, le salon Entreprendre dans l’Ouest a malgré tout annoncé la tenue de sa 23e édition les 2 et 3... Une manifestation contre la GPA et la PMA sans père se tiendra le 10 octobre à Nantes, à l'appel du collectif Marchons enfants. Réunification de la Bretagne. ", she expressed the view that her political activities would be more effective for the city at regional and European levels than in the municipal council.[244].

We must leave Schengen Area", "The French-Italian summit of 26 April will be no use if France does not announce that it definitively breaks with Schengen Agreement", "L'Ukraine de l'Ouest désormais " ouvertement " vassalisée par Washington", http://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/monde/2014/08/04/31002-20140804ARTFIG00073-belgique-chronique-d-une-implosion-annoncee.php, "The arch-enemy of the French political parties", "Frédéric Mitterrand admitted to paying for sex with 'young boys' in Thailand", "Mitterrand fights for his job after rent boy admission", "J. Fourquet: "Marine Le Pen has broken through the Mitterrand case, "Marine Le Pen still champion of the ratings", "Audiences : Marine Le Pen suivie par 6 millions de téléspectateurs sur TF1", "Madame Rage: Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses (Part 1: Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses, Part 2: The Divide Between the Governing and the Governed, Part 3: 'As a Woman, You Have a Close Relationship with Reality, "France will pull out of NATO – Marine Le Pen speaks to Kommersant about her programme", "A new Le Pen will lead the French far right", "Marine Le Pen on the Israeli radio 90FM", "Marine Le Pen invited by the European American Press Club", "Marine Le Pen en Italie: l'ombre portée du MSI | Droite(s) extrême(s)", "Marine Le Pen sparks Cambridge protests", "Marine Le Pen sparks protest on Cambridge visit", "No Platform for Marine Le Pen – A Response by Cambridge Libertarians", "2004 European election results: Île-de-France", "2009 European election results: North-West France", "France: list of the 72 MEPs by constituency (2009–2014)", "2009 European election results: Picardy", "2009 European election results: Hénin-Beaumont", "2009 European election results: Courcelles-lès-Lens", "2009 European election results: Noyelles-Godault", "1993 French legislative election results: Paris' 16th constituency", "2002 French legislative election results: Pas-de-Calais' 13th constituency", "Marine Le Pen : Pas-de-Calais in her sights", "2007 French legislative election results: Pas-de-Calais' 14th constituency", "Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen's Vitrolles ?

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