(2010) Does eccentric endurance training improve walking capacity in patients with coronary artery disease? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21: 431-437.Deley G, Kervio G, Van Hoecke J, Caillaux BX, Antoine D, Grassi B, Casillas JM (2007) Effects of a one-year combined training program on exercise capacity in adults over 70 years old: a study with a control group. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00009331 - Auteurs: Dooms (B. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008984 - Auteurs: Allani (M.), Holeyman (A. ), Vervoort (A. 26:555-562.Babault N, Cometti C, Maffiuletti NA, Deley G (2011) Does electrical stimulation enhance post-exercise performance recovery? Front. ), Gerin (O. Limelette test field results". Journal of Applied Physiology 92: 486-492.Michaut A, Pousson M, Babault N, Van Hoecke J (2002) Is eccentric exercise-induced torque decrease contraction type dependent? Annals of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. ), Van Lysebetten (G.), Maertens (J. ), Klippel (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010725 - Auteurs: Dinne (K.), Gerin (O. ), De Nijs (R.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008958 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), Maertens (J. ), Deneyer (A. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Building guidelines for lightweight constructions. The principle of the buildings airtightness measurement method is to measure the pressure difference induced by a given air flow rate generated by a fan. ), Vervoort (A. Kinematics and electromyographic activity of horse riders during various cross-country jumps in equestrian.Cimadoro G, Mahaffey R, Babault N (2019) Acute neuromuscular responses to short andf long roundhouse kick striking paces in professional Muay Thai fighters. Journal of Neurophysiology. ), Grégoire (Y. ), De Cuyper (K.),Langue: FR - Ref: REF00006777 - Auteur: Delmotte (C.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008985 - Auteur: Allani (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008967 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Van Lysebetten (G.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Intra and inter-raters Intra and inter-raters reliability and agreement of stimulus electrodiagnosis tests with two different electrodes in sedated critically-ill patients. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006623 - Auteurs: Van Beeck (J. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 74, Issue 7, 1 October 2017, Pages 2012–2023.Lopez E., Olivier F., Grant C. et Archambault P. (2017) – “Four new records and a new species of sedentary polychaetes from the Canadian High Arctic” Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97(8): 1685-1694.Marchais V, A. Jolivet S. Hervé, S. Roussel, B. R. Schöne, J. Grall, L. Chauvaud, J. Clavier (2017). ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00011376 - Auteurs: Dijckmans (A. Journal of Critical Care 44: 87-94.Opplert J, Babault N (2018) The acute effects of dynamic stretching on muscle flexibility and performance: an analysis of the current literature. Volume 1.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. Plos One. 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La Fondation Universitaire peut accorder des subsides pour promouvoir la publication d'articles scientifiques dans des revues internationales. ), Tavallali (A. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.Although the consideration of socio-economic demands with biodiversity conservation is now high on the environmental policy agenda, it is not yet standard practice in spatial planning. 49: 309-319.Brocherie F, Babault N, Cometti G, Maffiuletti NA, Chatard JC (2005) Electrostimulation training effects on the physical performance of ice hockey players. An inference procedure for behavioral studies combining numerical simulations, statistics and experimental results. 31 May - 1 June 2012, Brussels, Belgium. 15;6(3):e17799.Tia B, Mourey F, Ballay Y, Sirandre C, Pozzo T, Paizis C (2010) Improvement of motor performance by observational training training in elderly people. 2018 Jun 14;13(6):e0199212. ), De Cuyper (K.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00009001 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Van Lysebetten (G.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010726 - Auteurs: Meireles (I. Here, we provide electrophysiological evidence for a brain-anchored evolved predisposition to rapidly detect snakes in humans, which does not depend on previous exposure or knowledge about snakes. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008987 - Auteurs: Vervoort (A. Impact sound measurements on wooden floors. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006648 - Auteur: Ingelaere (B. Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of Ground Improvement Works. ), Maertens (J. Nutrients.Bouvier T, Opplert J, Cometti C, Babault N (2017) Acute effects of static stretching on muscle-tendon mechanics of quadriceps and plantar flexor muscles. High-resolution nitrogen stable isotope sclerochronology of bivalve shell carbonate-bound organics. 87:502-509.Gremeaux V, Iskandar M, Kervio G, Deley G, Perennou D, Casillas JM (2008) Comparative analysis of oxygen uptake in elderly subjects performing two walk tests: the six-minute walk test and the 200-m fast walk test. ), Tavallali (A. The Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS is an international journal publishing papers of highest scientific level. ), Tavallali (A. Blog qui vous invite à découvrir des … Validation of trophic and anthropic underwater noise as settlement trigger in blue mussels. Limelette test field results". Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of Ground Improvement Works. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. ), Bodart (M.), Deneyer (A. Comparaison entre le dimensionnement d'un pieu selon les essais CPTs et PMTs à l'état limite ultime.Is the European standard EN 12056-3 the appropriate method to calculate the capacity of eaves gutters?A Methodology to Design Domestic Hot Water Production Systems Based on Tap Patterns.Method for analysis of annual daylight levels at tunnel approach.Design and quality control of soil mix walls for earth and water retaining structures.Large-Scale Bending Tests on Soil Mix Elements.Monitoring van de krachtswerking in verticale beschoeiingswanden d.m.v. ), Tirlocq (J. 96(6):388-394. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000631,Robineau J, Lacome M, Piscione J, Bigard AX, Babault N (2017) Concurrent training in rugby sevens: effects of high-intensity interval exercises. 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LES MODÈLES QUÉBECOIS ET SCANDINAVE FACE A LA CONCURRENCE MONDIALE,L'économie politique internationale et la mondialisation,Introduction aux relations internationales,Dialogue comparatif : Fédéralisme et système de gouvernance à paliers multiples en matière de politique étrangère: une comparaison entre le Canada et la Belgique,Comment vit-on aux marges de l'Empire ? ), D'herdt (P.), Roisin (B. ), De Leeuw (A. ), De Cock (F.), Vervoort (A. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. ), Maertens (J. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006761 - Auteurs: Mertens (S.), Smits (A. ), Sousa (V.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010480 - Auteurs: Bleys (B. Fondée en 1772 par Marie-Thérèse d’Autriche, l’Académie royale de Belgique est une institution scientifique dépendant directement du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006665 - Auteurs: Deroisy (B. 13: 30-35.Gandrey P, Paizis C, Karathanasis V, Gueugneau N, Papaxanthis C (2013). 37:141-148. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.09.012.Garnier YM, Lepers R, Stapley PJ, Papaxanthis C, Païzis C (2017) Changes in cortico-spinal excitability following uphill versus downhill treadmill exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. In both cases, response inhibition deficits and inhibition-related atypical brain activation have been reported, although less consistently in ASD. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. R Soc Open Sci. Neuromuscular fatigue after low and medium frequency electrical stimulation in healthy adults. ), Vervoort (A. ), Huybrechts (N.), Van Lysebetten (G.), Verstraelen (J. Journal of Animal Physiology and animal nutrition (Berl). publication scientifique, ... B = le nombre d'articles, publiés dans X dans la période 2001-2002. Journal of Applied Physiology 91: 2628-2634.Cometti G, Maffiuletti NA, Pousson M, Chatard JC, Maffulli N (2001) Isokinetic strength and anaerobic power of elite, subelite and amateur French soccer players. Le magazine de notre futur immédiat. 25:96-98.Gremeaux V, Duclay J, Deley G, Philipp JL, Laroche D, Pousson M, Casillas JM. This is argued to be related, among others, to a lack of awareness among stakeholders and practitioners of the underpinning role of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity to support human well-being. Feature article in Aquatic Biology 27:13-23,Ragueneau O, Raimonet M, Mazé C, Coston-Guarini J, Chauvaud L, Danto A, Grall J, Jean F, Paulet Y-M and Thouzeau G (2018) The Impossible Sustainability of the Bay of Brest? Members of the BeBEST "LIA".Retrouvez sur cette page les galeries d'images du LIA BeBEST. European Journal of Applied Physiology 73: 149-156.Pichon F, Chatard JC, Martin A, Cometti G (1995) Electrical stimulation and swimming performance. ), Maertens (J. Mar Biol 164:71 DOI 10.1007/s00227-017-3103.Moynihan M. A., Barbier P., Olivier F., Toupoint N., Meziane T. 2016 – “Spatial and temporal dynamics of nano- and pico-size particulate organic matter (POM) in a coastal megatidal marine system”. To do so, we recorded scalp electrical brain activity in 7- to 10-month-old infants watching sequences of flickering animal pictures.The article delves into the fiery furnace motif and its evocations of the healing and makeability of men. High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography can be used to generate such luminance maps. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Royal Society Open Science 4:160606.Coquereau L., Grall J., Chauvaud L., Gervaise C., Clavier J., Jolivet A., Di Iorio L. 2016.Fanfard S., Charles, F., Coston-Guarini, J., Nozais, C, Guarini, J.-M. 2016. ), Van de Bossche (P.), Kuborn (X. R. Soc. Journal of Sea research, 121: 11-23.Barbier, P., Meziane, T., Forêt, M., Tremblay, R., Robert, R., Olivier, F. 2017. Journal of Applied Physiology 100: 780-785. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006682 - Auteurs: Van Itterbeeck (P.), Cauberg (N.), Parmentier (B. Scientific publications by the BeBEST team members.Présentation des membres du LIA BeBEST. PLoS One. Research exploring the overlap/distinctiveness between ADHD and ASD has significantly increased in recent years, but direct comparison of the inhibition-related neuronal correlates between these disorders are scarce in the.Over the past decade the integration of astrochronology and U/Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry dating has resulted in major improvements in the Devonian time scale, which allowed for accurate determination of ages and rates of change in this critical interval of Earth history. Both manifestations exist in conjunction and their evolution is intertwined.In the field of lighting, luminance maps are often used to evaluate point-in-time lighting scenes from the occupant’s vantage point. Volume 4.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie politique internationale et comparée (CRÉPIC),Administration des services de santé et des services sociaux,Globe, Revue internationale d'études Québecoises,Comite Des Travaux Historiques Et scientifiques,Revue internationale de politique comparée,Axe 1 : La mondialisation, la résilience des États et la variété des modèles de capitalisme,Axe 2 : La mondialisation, les négociations internationales et le fédéralisme,Les dix mythes autour de la mondialisation,Sustainable development and subnational governments Policy-Making and Multi-Level Interactions,La mondialisation et les politiques publiques,Bouchard, Durkheim et la méthode comparative positive.Les réformes de la santé dans les pays scandinaves: Quelles leçons pour le Québec?LE QUÉBEC, L'ONTARIO ET LES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES, Expliquer les différences,Federalism and Compliance with International Agreements: Belgium and Canada Compared.Le Québec sur la scène internationale. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. Guide.A new standard for daylight: Towards a daylight revolution?A5 - Evaluation of the risk of Legionella spp. ), Van Alboom (G.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012109 - Auteurs: Tomboy (O. ), Van Alboom (G.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006764 - Auteurs: Luu (T.), Bortolotti (E.), Parmentier (B. Sites d'articles gratuits. 81:2501-2507.Cometti C, Deley G, Babault N (2011) Effects of between-set interventions on neuromuscular function during isokinetic maximal concentric contractions of the knee extensors. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 17: 514-521.Babault N, Pousson M, Michaut A, Ballay Y, Van Hoecke J (2002) EMG activity and voluntary activation during knee-extensor concentric torque generation. Session 4 - Soil mixing 2 - Deep mixing.Mechanical characterization of DEEP SOIL MIX material - procedure description.Mechanical characterization of large scale soil mix samples and the analysis of the influence of soil inclusions.Numerical developments of lateral pile-soil behavior in pile driving.Soil mix walls as retaining structures - Belgian practice.Soil mix walls as retaining structures - mechanical characterization.Summary of the short courses of the IS-GI 2012 latest advances in deep mixing.Deep Soil Mix technology in Belgium: Effect of inclusions on design properties.Shear Resistance of Macro-synthetic and Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stirrups.Evaluation of the durability of ETICS : additional requirements in Belgium.Evaluation of the resistance to algae growth of ETICS.Microscopic study of pop-outs in concrete caused by secondary aggregates.Structural behaviour of laminated glass elements - a step towards standardization.Soil mix: influence of soil inclusions on structural behaviour.Schijnbare cohesie van onverzadigde gronden.Expert System for Dimensioning of Façade Cladding.Frost Resistance of Clay Masonry Units: In-Depth Experimental Study of the European Method.A Standardized method for measuring the attenuating effect of green roofs on storm water discharge.Eurocode 2 predictions vs. mechanical properties of Self Compacting Concrete.Survey on the mechanical properties of SSC: 20 years of research.Experimental investigation of lightweight composite deck slabs.Round Robin Test 2008. Close your eyes, put your headphones on,..and enjoy the dive.Etude du comportement des organismes benthiques,Growth response of Arctica islandica to North Atlantic oceanographic conditions since 1850,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-018-0793-4,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.09.029,Acoustic behaviours of large crustaceans in northeast Atlantic coastal habitats,Sound production and associated behaviors of benthic invertebrates from northeast Atlantic coastal habitat.Jézéquel Y, Coston Guarini J, Bonnel J, Chauvaud L (2019) Buzzing sounds use as a mean of intra species-specific communication during agonistic encounters in male European lobsters (Homarus gammarus)?The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,Volume 144,Issue 3, 1693-1693,Jézéquel Y, Bonnel J, Coston Guarini J, Chauvaud L (2019) Revisiting the bioacoustics of spiny lobsters: comparison of antennal rasps in tanks and in situ. ), Dinne (K.), Gérin (O. 48(2): 299-325. Brain and Cognition. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 50, 165-173. Due to the low strength, it is nearly impossible to restore the slopes with a natural gentle slope and stabilizing measures are required. Les acheteurs peuvent naviguer de stand en stand et négocier le prix avec le ven[...],POPULISCOOP Scoop Populaire. Are first ventilatory threshold and 6-minute walk test heart rate interchangeable? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 31 May - 1 June 2012, Brussels, Belgium. ), Maertens (J. Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of Ground Improvement Works. ), De Cuyper (K.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010011 - Auteur: Cailleux (E.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010012 - Auteurs: Crispin (C.), Mertens (C.), Dijckmans (A. open sci. To improve implementation, tools that are tailored to local conditions can provide accurate, meaningful information.In social insects, collective choices between food sources are based on self-organized mechanisms where information about resources are locally processed by the foragers. Combined.Jolivet A., Tremblay R., Olivier F., Gervaise C., Sonier R., Génard B., & Chauvaud L. 2016. Ligament, hinge, and shell cross-sections of the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima): Promising marine environmental archives in NE North America. PLoS ONE 7(11): e51191.Tia B, Paizis C, Mourey F, Pozzo T (2012) Do equilibrium constraints modulate postural reaction when viewing imbalance? 52th meeting of the American college of sports medicine (Nashville – Etats-Unis). ), François (S.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00011585 - Auteurs: Dinne (K.), Bleys (B. ), Grégoire (Y. Auteur(s) : Stéphane Paquin, Luc Bernier, Guy Lachapelle. Nourrit, D. Lauriot, B., Deschamps, T., Caillou, N. & Delignières, D. (2000). Ann Readapt Med Phys. Volume 3.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. ), Baker (C.),Langue: NL - Ref: REF00006678 - Auteurs: Wagneur (M.), Van Rickstal (F.), Van den Bossche (P.), Dekeyser (J.
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