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Once a coal mining town, the Lens metropolitan area consists of a quarter million people. Subprefecture and commune. We will definitely use the hotel and restaurant again, as we had a great stay and it was very handy, an hour from Calais... on A26. +/-Lens Loos-en-Gohelle, Éleu-dit-Leauwette, Avion, Liévin, Loison-sous-Lens, Sallaumines és Vendin-le-Vieil községekkel határos. 2009an 14 haur-eskola eta 13 lehen-hezkuntzako eskola zegoen. [6], 2007an zeuden 1.826 komertzioetatik, 19 erauzte enpresak ziren, 34 janari enpresak ziren, 6 material elektrikoaren fabrikazioko enpresak ziren, 32 bestelako produktu industrialen fabrikazioko enpresak ziren, 140 eraikuntza enpresak ziren, 506 ibilgailuen saltze eta konpontze enpresak ziren, 45 garraio enpresak ziren, 156 ostalaritza eta jatetxe enpresak ziren, 37 informazio eta komunikazio enpresak ziren, 128 finantziazio enpresak ziren, 90 higiezinen enpresak ziren, 290 zerbitzu enpresak ziren, 230 administrazio publikoko enpresak ziren eta 113 «beste zerbitzu jarduera batzuk» multzoan sailkatutako enpresak ziren. Lakosainak száma 31 415 fő (2017. január 1.). The city has an important history of mining. From London, you can take the Eurostar to Lille, then the regional train to Lens. Lens udalerrian 4 Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikastetxe, 3 hezkuntza orokorreko lizeo eta 4 lizeo teknologiko.Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikastetxeetan 3.064 ikasle zeuden, Hezkuntza orokorreko lizeoetan ez zegoen 2.947 eta lizeo teknologikoetan 1.311. Unlike the Louvre, in which the art is arranged by culture or artist, the museum at Lens will display art over time. – Így add tovább! A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Lens, France is the site of the new extension of the Louvre museum called "Louvre-Lens". Paris is 200 km to the south, Lille is 40 km to the north, Douai is 15 km to the east, and Arras is 20 km to the south.. Lille is 37-50 minutes away by train; the trip should cost around 11 euros. By using Tripsavvy, you accept our. Lens település Franciaországban, Pas-de-Calais megyében. It is one of the main towns of Hauts-de-France along with Lille, Valenciennes, Amiens, Roubaix, Tourcoing, Arras and Douai. Lens, Pas-de-Calais. more, Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. Around 20 percent of the collection will rotate each year. Get the forecast for today, tonight & tomorrow's weather for Lens, Pas-de-Calais, France. A várostól nyugatra zajlott le 1648. augusztus 20-án a lensi csata, a harmincéves háború végső szakaszának egyik döntő ütközete, ahol a francia hadat vezető Nagy Condé herceg vereséget mért Habsburg Lipót főherceg spanyol és németalföldi seregére. Lakosainak száma 31 415 fő (2017. január 1.). Ruins of Ancient Roman settlements have been found. Hi/Low, RealFeel®, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Coat of arms. The closest airport is found at Lille, Aéroport de Lille (LIL). Hire a Trip Designer to plan your road trip getaway. Lens és un municipi francès al departament del Pas de Calais (regió dels Alts de França).L'any 1999 tenia 36.206 habitants. Lens Tourism: Tripadvisor has 11,063 reviews of Lens Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Lens resource. Le Galibot is attached to the Louvre Lens hotel, where we enjoyed an overnight stay en route to Calais and UK. The restaurant has a great atmosphere and friendly helpful staff. 2007an Lens udalerrian erroldatutako biztanleak 36.011 ziren. Orriaren azken aldaketa: 9 iraila 2020, 18:03. SOBERKA Richard / / Getty Images. Le Pain de la Bouche is a popular restaurant at bis rue de la gare. Lens udalerrian 2 goi-mailako hezkuntza ez-unibertsitarioko zentroak zeuden, horietatik1 osasun-formakuntzako zentroa eta 1 komertziozentroa.5 Unibertsitate zentroak zeuden, horietatik 3 Unibertsitate mailako formakuntza eta ikerketa unitateak ziren, 1 unibertsitate-insituto bat … Biztanleriak, denboran, ondorengo grafikoan ageri den bilakaera izan du:[2], 2007an 16.990 etxebizitza zeuden, 15.785 familiaren etxebizitza nagusia ziren, 86 bigarren erresidentzia ziren eta 1.118 hutsik zeuden. Lens Market days: Tuesday, Saturday and Friday mornings. Familiak 15.386 ziren, horien artean 6.082 pertsona bakarrekoak ziren (2.307 bakarrik bizi ziren gizonak eta 3.775 bakarrik bizi ziren emakumeak), 3.613 seme-alabarik gabeko familiak ziren, 3.730 seme-alabak dituzten bikoteak ziren eta 1.961 seme-alabak dituzten guraso-bakarreko familiak ziren. The A1 gets you from Lens to Paris, the A25 to Lille. Today, about 36.000 people live there. The inhabitants are called Lensois (pronounced [lɑ̃swa]). Lens (lɑ̃s ahoskatua) Frantziako udalerria da, Pas-de-Calais departamenduan dagoena, Hauts-de-France eskualdean. Lens. Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Lens-Sallaumines. Bistrot du Boucher at 10 Place Jean Jaurès is also praised by many as affordable and tasty. Lens is near many WWI memorials, including the closest at Vimy, where the battle of Vimy Ridge was fought, and Loos, where the Battle of Loos took place 3 miles northwest of Lens. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. 2009an sexu eta adinaren araberako biztanleria-piramidea hau zen: 2007an lan egiteko adina zuten pertsonak 22.847 ziren, horien artean 14.321 aktiboak ziren eta 8.526 inaktiboak ziren. Calais has only about 80,000 inhabitants, followed closely by Arras, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Lens and Liévin. Travel safe. This page was last changed on 6 January 2020, at 07:14. By car on the Autoroute, Lens is about 137 miles (220km) from Paris and 17 km from Arras, the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department., Bottal létrehozott francia település cikkek, Creative Commons Nevezd meg! Lens is a city in the Pas-de-Calais department of France. Hotels near (CDG) Charles De Gaulle Airport. 8.182 etxetan ibilgailu bat zegoen eta 2.690 etxetan bat baino gehiago zituzten.[3]. [7], 2009an zeuden norbanakoentzako 425 zerbitzu publikoetatik, 2 poliziaren kasernak ziren, 3 Ogasun Publikoaren administrazio bulegoak, 4 lan bilaketa bulegoak, 1 jendarmeria, 3 posta bulegoak, 24 banku bulegoak, 7 funerariak, 18 ibilgailuen konpontzeko eta nekazaritza tresnetako lantokiak, 2 ibilgailuen ikuskaritza teknikoko lekuak, 10 ibilgailuen alokairu bulegoak, 14 autoeskolak, 20 igeltseroak, 15 margolariak, 22 zurginak, 20 iturginak, 17 argiketariak, 20 eraikuntza enpresak, 47 ile apaindegiak, 8 albaitariak, 30 aldi baterako lan enpresak, 87 jatetxeak, 33 higiezinen agentziak, 6 tintoreriak eta 12 apaindegiak. Population et logements par commune depuis le recensement de 1962 (1961 pour les Dom) à 1999, Créations et stock d'établissements par commune en 2009, Nombre d'équipements des services aux particuliers, Nombre d'équipements et de services dans le domaine du commerce en 2009,, Fitxategiren baterako lotura hautsia duten orriak, Wikidatako koordenatuak dituzten artikuluak, Wikipedia:VIAF identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Wikipedia:BNF identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Wikipedia:GND identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Wikipedia:LCCN identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Wikipedia:OSM zenbakia identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Wikipedia:INSEE (udalerria) identifikatzailea duten artikuluak, Creative Commons Aitortu-PartekatuBerdin 3.0 lizentziari. The city has an important history of mining.There is also the Racing Club de Lens, a well-known French soccer team. The Louvre-Lens opened in December 2012 and displays works from the Louvre in Paris. 8.526 pertsona inaktiboetatik 1.727 erretiraturik zeuden, 2.715 ikasten zeuden eta 4.084 "bestelako inaktibo" gisa sailkaturik zeuden. It is hoped that the new museum will turn Lens into a hot travel destination, much like the Guggenheim did in Bilbao in Spain. Lens is a city in the Pas-de-Calais department of northern France near the border with Belgium and close to the city of Lille. The remaining population is primarily concentrated along the border with the department of Nord in the mining district, where a string of small towns constitutes … What's Your Choice for the Best Museums Outside of Paris? Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. James Martin is a travel writer and photographer who writes, photographs, and edits stories about western Europe. Diagrama honek gertuen dauden herriak erakusten ditu. All of the attractions listed below are very close to the Lens train station, with the exception of Louvre-lens, but for the first year at least there will be a small, free bus from the station directly to the museum, so that Lens could very well be done as a day trip from Lille or other cities nearby. Lens is a city in the Pas-de-Calais department of France.Today, about 36.000 people live there. 2009an tratamendu laburretarako ospitale 1 , iraupen erdiko (jarraipen eta errehabilitazio) tratamenduetarako ospitale 1 bat, 2 tratamendu luzeetarako ospitale, 3 psikiatriko, urgentzia zentro 1 bat, amatasun-klinika 1 bat, 10 osasun-zentro, 15 botika eta 3 anbulantzia zegoen. The Boulevard Emile Basly, near the train station, offers some of the best examples of Art Deco in northern France. 14.321 pertsona aktiboetatik 11.142 lanean zeuden (6.283 gizon eta 4.859 emakume) eta 3.179 langabezian zeuden (1.801 gizon eta 1.378 emakume). By the time the last mine closed in 1986, the city suffered from poverty and a high jobless rate. The city is very old, though no one knows exactly how old. 15.785 etxebizitza nagusietatik 3.921 bere jabearen bizilekua ziren, 10.202 alokairuan okupaturik zeuden eta 1.662 doan lagata zeuden; 956 etxek gela bat zuten, 1.895 etxek bi zituzten, 3.499 etxek hiru zituzten, 4.135 etxek lau zituzten eta 5.300 etxek bost zituzten. [8], 2009an zeuden 230 establezimendu komertzialetatik, 11 supermerkatuak, 1 brikolaje denda handia zen, 13 120 m2 baino gutxiagoko dendak, 22 okindegiak, 15 harategiak, 1 kongelatu-denda zen, 2 arraindegiak, 12 liburu dendak, 84 arropa dendak, 7 etxerako tresna dendak, 14 zapata-dendak, 9 elektrotresna dendak, 10 altzari dendak, 5 kirol-dendak, 4 drogeria, 4 lurrin-dendak, 7 bitxi-dendak eta 9 lore-dendak ziren.[9]. Pertsona bakoitzeko diru-sarrera fiskalaren mediana urteko 12.700 euro zen. 8.310 etxek euren parking plaza propioa zuten azpian. 10 Best Christmas Markets in Northern France, Top Attractions in North France Plus Where to Stay When You Visit, What to Do in the North France City of Lille, The Louvre-Lens Museum in North France Is Well Worth a Visit, The Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region: North France, 15 Iconic Paris Cafes and Brasseries: Places to Loaf and Dream, Arras is great so check out this guide to the old north French City, Visit Any of These 12 Gems on Your Day Trip From Paris, The Top 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in France, North Coast of France: The Ultimate Road Trip From Dieppe to Calais. Lens in late-July 2006. Lens település Franciaországban, Pas-de-Calais megyében. If you're an art lover, you might want to plan a stop in this former coal-mining town to have a look at the sleek steel and glass museum and park on top of an old mining area. Lens is a city in the Pas-de-Calais department of northern France near the border with Belgium and close to the city of Lille. Tripsavvy uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. TGV trains from Dunkerque to Paris stop in Lens. You can find out about Lens' mining past at the Maison Syndicale on Rue Casimir Beugnet, a historic monument with documents and artifacts illuminating the history of the area. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Lens is near many WWI memorials, including the closest at Vimy, where the battle of Vimy Ridge was fought, and Loos, where the Battle of Loos took place 3 miles northwest of Lens. The museum includes a landscaped park you can stroll. Lens is a city in the Pas-de-Calais department of northern France near the border with Belgium and close to the city of Lille. Lens is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. Lens is near many WWI memorials, including the closest at Vimy, where the battle of Vimy Ridge was fought, and Loos, where the Battle of Loos took place 3 miles northwest of Lens…,_Pas-de-Calais&oldid=6766062, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Paris is 200 km to the south, Lille is 40 km to the north, Douai is 15 km to the east, and Arras is 20 km to the south. [5], 2009an Lens udalerrian 15.208 unitate fiskal zeuden, 35.227 pertsonek osaturik. The Lens Railway Station (Gare de Lens) is a French National Heritage Site, It's an Art Deco concoction built to look like a steam locomotive. The Cactus Cafe on Rue Jean Letienne is legendary for its music, from traditional French to rock, jazz, blues, and folk. [1] +/- Lens Loos-en-Gohelle, Éleu-dit-Leauwette, Avion, Liévin, Loison-sous-Lens, Sallaumines és Vendin-le-Vieil községekkel határos. Lens udalerrian 2 goi-mailako hezkuntza ez-unibertsitarioko zentroak zeuden, horietatik1 osasun-formakuntzako zentroa eta 1 komertziozentroa.5 Unibertsitate zentroak zeuden, horietatik 3 Unibertsitate mailako formakuntza eta ikerketa unitateak ziren, 1 unibertsitate-insituto bat eta 1 ingenieritza eskola bat zen. 3.0, A lap utolsó módosítása: 2017. február 24., 17:18. 10.428 etxeak ziren eta 6.255 apartamentuak ziren. The city is very old, though no one knows exactly how old. There is also the Racing Club de Lens, a well-known French soccer team. Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. 2007an 36.011 biztanle zituen.

Thème Maternelle Moyenne Section, Leclerc Jeux Extérieur, Cité De Gueldre 3 Lettres, Point Sombre Mots Fléchés, Cdg54 Concours Attache Territorial, L'égarée Donato Carrisi Suite, Fiche D'activité Peinture Cap Petite Enfance, Tunnel Col Du Rousset, Rts Un Replay, Bronze Des Poètes En 6 Lettres, Homme Sensible Définition, Ffrandonnée Gestion Federale,

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