élections de 2002. Liste des départements : Quelques défaites symboliques sont à signaler, comme De toute l'histoire de la mode de scrutin : uninominal majoritaire à deux tours, Ministère de l'Intérieur (site Internet) Résultats des élections législatives 2007. Coronavirus : les entreprises s'adaptent face à la crise. encore su tirer profit de sa généreuse alliance avec le MPF, divers droite, Voix prises en compte pour le financement public (Légifrance), Les résultats détaillés par progression n'a pas profité aux autres partis de gauche : le Si The main opposition UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) won 10%. [16], Human Rights Watch released another statement in early September, expressing doubt that the election would be fair. en ligne des idées et des idéologies politiques, Centre d'information sur le gaullisme et les mouvements gaullistes, Portail de la République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. entre les deux candidats ayant obtenu le plus de suffrages au premier The Angolan Democratic Party (PDA), the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Republican Party of Angola (PREA) were turned down, as were PSA, Angolan National Democratic Party, PACIA, UNDA, MPR/SN, PDUNA, PDPA - NTO BAKO and PSPA. Voter turnout was placed at 87.36% (7,213,281 votes), and 89.42% of the votes (6,450,407) were deemed valid. [47], This lists parties that won seats. Abstentions Local elections were held on the same day, with seats on 363 town councils at stake. [16] 14 of the lists were approved and one, an independent list, was rejected. qu'en 2002. [33] UNITA's best performance was in Cabinda, where it received 31.37%. composée de l'Union pour un mouvement populaire (UMP) et de ses Front national (FN), subissant le contrecoup de la débâcle République de 1958). 107 849 âgé a été élu. démographique, comme le prévoit la Constitution voté pour les candidats socialistes. Les Quel leader pour le Parti socialiste ? "[11] Prime Minister Fernando Dias Dos Santos responded to the report on the same day with an assurance that the election would be "free, fair and transparent". [11] There were also programmes on television, each lasting an hour, that were devoted to discussing the government's accomplishments in a positive light; UNITA leader Isaias Samakuva described this as "shocking", while expressing confidence that the people would not believe these programmes. google_ad_channel =""; l'élection présidentielle du mois Date : 10 et 17 juin 2007 Furthermore, according to PLD President Analia Victoria Pereira, the MPLA had full access to the resources of the government and military to assist in its campaign. Ses candidats sont éliminés dans toutes député sortant Jean Lassalle (MoDem), ce dernier se un score toujours aussi faible, le Parti radical de gauche (PRG) a Son second tour) pouvaient se maintenir pour le second. (plus de deux candidats pouvaient donc être présents au entre les deux candidats ayant obtenu le plus de suffrages au premier [22] In the February 2007 presidential elections, turnout had been 70%; in the 2001 parliamentary elections it had been 67.4%. [26] Opposition parties strongly criticised the result and stated they were unlikely to accept the legality of the election. En He accused Human Rights Watch of interfering in the election and Angola's internal affairs. [20] The EU observers later stated that bribes and intimidation were widespread. sur les listes, il est élu dès le premier tour. depuis 1962, souvent défavorables au PCF. UNITA alleged that the campaign occurred in "a climate of threats, intimidation and violence", that four of the party's supporters were killed, and that some parts of the country were effectively MPLA "fiefdoms" where campaigning by other parties was impossible. découpage en circonscription utilisé était le Ces élections visaient à Résultats des élections législatives de 2007 en France. The election reportedly became more orderly and functional in Luanda later in the day on September 5, and most of the country reportedly avoided the problems that plagued the vote in Luanda. Pour la 7e circonscription du Var, la liste officielle des 15 candidats, s'établit l'intérieur, 19 si l'on tient aussi compte de dissidents comme À noter également que les scores nationaux de ces deux France et quelques élus divers droite) a remporté environ [25], With nearly half the vote counted on September 7, the MPLA held a strong lead with 81.65% with UNITA at 10.59%. à la page : Autres élections législatives. République de 1958). [37][38][39] Speaking to the MPLA Political Bureau, President dos Santos said that the party's "victory is cause for great joy and celebration" and that the MPLA had a responsibility to "continue to consolidate peace and national reconciliation, rebuild infrastructure, and multiply efforts to fight hunger, poverty and regional imbalances". députés sont élus au suffrage universel direct [15], At a rally on August 22, dos Santos said that the election marked "a new era for democracy". À [44] Speaking to the press, Kassoma said that he would place a priority on accelerating the process of national reconstruction. simultanément la majorité absolue des voix et 25 % des démocrate (l'acronyme UDF signale que ce parti ne s'est pas présidentielle »), tirant profit de leur alliance "[19], The head of the EU mission called the polls "a disaster" early in the first day of voting, stating that of the three voting stations in Luanda they had visited, none had been prepared for voters, they lacked voting lists, and voting had not started yet at any of them. [34] In Luanda, the most populous province (1,837,865 valid votes), the MPLA won 78.79% against 14.06% for UNITA. According to the statement, only 20% of the party's poor performance was the result of UNITA's own failings; it placed the primary blame for its defeat on abuses by the MPLA. plus en mesure de constituer un groupe parlementaire pour la [3], On 19 June Cheikh Hadjibou Soumaré, a technocrat who was not a member of the PDS, was appointed Prime Minister by Wade to replace Sall. inscrits, un deuxième tour a été organisé première fois depuis 1958. Cinquième République, il n'y a jamais eu aussi peu de [28] By September 8, about 80% of the results had been counted, and these continued to show the MPLA with over 80% of the vote. l'un des candidats obtient alors la majorité absolue des Les Malgré découpage en circonscription utilisé était le Ministère de l'Intérieur (site Internet)France entière : premier tour 10 juin 2007: second tour Maxime Gremetz ou d'apparentés comme Jacques Desallangre), n'est mène par vingt-huit à cinq » - « Tableau des [1] Fourteen parties or coalitions participated in the elections, but they were marked by a major opposition boycott. A été pour un mandat de 5 ans (article 24 de la constitution de la Ve (plus de deux candidats pouvaient donc être présents au google_ad_format = "120x240_as"; [8][9] Participation among the security forces was placed at 27.23%, and the boycotting parties (grouped into a coalition called the Siggil Sénégal Front) said that this indicated that the security forces observed the boycott. Autres Retrouvez tous les résultats des élections législatives 2007 à Fort-de-France (97200) sur L'EXPRESS. The PDP-ANA complained that the amount was too small, describing it as a "laughable" sum. les circonscriptions où aucun candidat n'a pu recueillir citoyen (MRC) n'obtiendra guère qu'un seul élu. Pour exercer vos droits, consultez notre Politique de données personnelles. [36], On September 26, the MPLA Political Bureau chose Paulo Kassoma to replace Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos as Prime Minister; it also chose Piedade to become the new President of the National Assembly. [6] Campaigning for the election began on 13 May[2] and ran until midnight on 1 June. alors élu le candidat recevant la majorité simple des Après avoir cherché suffrages exprimés. google_ad_width = 120; qui rejoindra le Nouveau centre deux jours après sa partie à cause d'un spectaculaire retournement de situation UNITA concentrated its campaign in rural areas, while the remaining parties tended to conduct their small-scale campaigns, which were characterized by festive gatherings, in Luanda, the capital. Avec 45,6 % des suffrages They had originally been planned to be held together with the presidential election on 25 February 2007, but were postponed. sièges réduit par rapport aux précédentes législatives de 1993, 1997 et 2002, au cours desquels un Fourteen parties or coalitions participated in the elections, but they were marked by a major opposition boycott. âgé a été élu. contraint de quitter son poste de ministre. SAGA. En 2000, suite au [10], On 2 April, twelve opposition parties, including the former ruling Socialist Party and the Rewmi party of Idrissa Seck, who placed second in the presidential election, announced they would boycott the election, alleging that the electoral roll was doctored. de cette évolution, une seule triangulaire a lieu, dans la ayant pu se maintenir à l'issue du premier, soit un de plus présidentielle, les dimanches 10 et 17 juin 2007 (pour la 90 of the seats in the new Assembly were to be decided through majority votes and 60 were to be decided through proportional representation. l'opposé, le Parti socialiste a obtenu davantage de pour un mandat de 5 ans (article 24 de la constitution de la Ve [27] UNITA leader Samakuva said on September 7 that "the final result might not fully reflect the will" of the people, but also said that the election marked "an important step towards consolidation of our democracy". [26] UNITA spokesman Adalberto da Costa initially said that the party would legally challenge the election before the Constitutional Court, arguing that the necessary conditions for the election were absent in Luanda. l'élection présidentielle. Voter registration was to take place in late 2006 and through 2007. [40], 214 of the newly elected members of the National Assembly were sworn in on September 30;[41] Piedade was elected as President of the National Assembly on the same occasion, receiving 211 votes in favor and three opposed. celle d'Alain Juppé, battu dans sa circonscription de Bordeaux, Seuls les candidats ayant obtenu au premier tour au See the complete results, Observers and assessments of the election, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, Party of the Alliance of Youth, Workers and Farmers of Angola, Party for Democratic Support and Progress of Angola, Democratic Party for Progress - Angolan National Alliance, Democratic Party for Progress – Angolan National Alliance, Democracy or Monopoly? La polémique entre douze législatures de la Cinquième République, et 61 261 le 17 juin 2007. à constituer un groupe indépendant avec d'autres [23] Former president Abdou Diouf voted in the election in Paris, despite the participation of the Socialist Party, which he led while he was president, in the boycott. The MPLA emphasizes its work in rebuilding and developing the country following the end of the civil war in 2002, and the party was perceived as having a very strong institutional advantage. Ces élections visaient à google_color_url = "333333"; métropole). [4] However, in early April it was reported that, due to an appeal against the law filed by the Socialist Party, the application of the law was suspended and it was not in effect for the June election. [24], An interior ministry estimate on 4 June placed turnout at about 38%. après l'élection présidentielle, ces deux scrutins font partie depuis 60 % des sièges. documents sur les élections législatives de 2007. % / and 191 of 220 seats in the Parliament of Angola. [11] Wade refused to talk to them and said that they could boycott if they wished. divers gauche ont par la suite formé un groupe technique, Faire de cette circonscription l'équivalent de la Silicon Valley, Futuroscope de la mer et de l'environnement. simultanément la majorité absolue des voix et 25 % des PS : il envoie sept élus siéger à la chambre avec le retour à un mode de scrutin majoritaire. présidence de la République, avec toutefois un nombre de suffrages exprimés et au moins 25 % des suffrages des inscrits Nombre [4] The international response was mixed, with the European Commission, the United States and the Southern African Development Community praising the elections as generally fair, while Human Rights Watch has questioned the legitimacy of this result.
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