The chapter closes with a reference to the struggle between social Catholicism and intransigent Catholicism, pointing out the tactic of the latter to co-opt the achievements of modernity, especially in the field of technology, without aiming to make any essential concessions and planning to use them against modernity itself. Then you, Mr. President of the Republic, who are supposed to ensure the unity of the French people: Quit being deaf and blind, stop dividing the French, stop raising the anger in all the country. Protests have been forbidden; innocent children, mothers, and peaceful old people were gassed on March 24; floats have been banned; people wearing Manif pour Tous sweatshirts have been arrested; a mother of a family has been assaulted while a prefect watched and said nothing thereby shaming the prefectoral force; peaceful vigil-keepers have been held for questioning and detained; marches leaving from Rennes to join us have been harassed and blocked every day ” what a scandal! We refuse for French politics to turn us away from the essential: the urgent preoccupations of the citizens who, today, face a dramatic economic and social situation. In reality, though it hadn’t done so for a long time, the Church was “addressing the Nation”. Ludovine de la Rochère is president of La Manif pour Tous, . CP-237, 1050 Brussels holds three missions to protect what we consider the key to our society: families, and I mean families. Ludovine de la Rochère is president of La Manif Pour Tous, the movement opposed to Frances recently passed same-sex marriage law. While claiming to be politically independant, LMPT is mostly supported by right to far-right politicians and religious organisations. 6. The whole world watches us, because once again the French have dared to rise up against the tyranny of a minority and its colluders. 2013: ‘Een groot protest tegen de Russische wet’ - New York Times over COC-demonstratie tijdens bezoek president Poetin . All these have dismissed us and treated us as homophobes. Beyond that, the Manif pour Tous will still be around. For all, the truth that we owe to the child is sacred. But when it comes to mankind, then nature vanishes, and with it, caution. In the second chapter, the author criticises the complacency of the French Socialists and their sense of superiority over the demonstrators (which is absolutely equivalent with the stance of the Greek “enlightened” intelligentsia towards Greeks with a marked Christian Orthodox identity). Le Mai 68 Conservateur; Que restera-t-il de la Manif pour tous? We are numerous in France and in foreign lands too. We will lead surveys, publish studies, be activists. ... manif pour tous. The unfolding of events and the impending changes in legislation forced the French Catholic hierarchy “to take sides”. It was not a spontaneous movement but the product of different historical currents of a political or spiritual nature. The author refers to another book which analyses the identity of the demonstrators: “Not all of them participated in the International Youth Days, but the critique of John Paul II and Benedict XVI of the culture of death touched them. Shouldnt hope disappear? We will have been received only a few minutes by the president of the Republic as well as by Erwan Binet, the caller of the law at the National Assembly; but never have we been received by Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, nor by Attorney General Christiane Taubira nor by Minister of Families Dominique Bertinotti; never by Jean-Pierre Michel, the bills sponsor in the Senate. The resistance will continue to build up the dam that alone shall stop the wave of plans doing harm to the common good, the future of society, the values of France, the respect of Man, and true democracy. of François Hollande. They tell us always in a peremptory manner that this law is societal, and a law of progress. Let’s give them a place at our table”. “Essentially, Sarkozy tended to approach the conservative revolution begun by Margaret Thatcher, mixing the free market with authoritarianism in matters of morality, economic individualism and the resurgence of patriotism”. Nothing of the sort! What’s up with the “charismatic Catholicism” of Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court? Laurent Wauquiez became leader of the Centre-Right and chose as the head of his party’s list in the European elections of the 26th May 2019 the young Catholic intellectual and philosopher François-Xavier Bellamy. The Church organised itself against what it considered to be a transmutation of anthropological paradigms. There you are, such an enormous crowd”thank you! We are going to fight against gender studies ideology, the foundation of the marriage for all law. We are several million who have marched peacefully over the course of the long winter months against the new law, against artificial insemination, against surrogacy for all, against homophobia. Many controversies arose from their demonstration slogans (ex: one picture of a monkey stating “marriage for all… why not for him?”). I will not expound on the description of each sub-group within the movement, but it is important to bear in mind the crucial utilisation of the internet as a mechanism of communication, mobilisation and formation of opinion by the activists, and to look more closely at the case of the group Les Veilleurs (“The Guardians”), to whom the author devotes a few more pages. And we fight to block its immediate consequences: insemination for all and gestational surrogacy. Translation by Robert Oscar Lopez. He opposes same-sex marriages, abortion, euthanasia but also same-sex civil partnerships. A galaxy of groups, organizations, groupuscules, religious communities and networks was mobilized to substantiate the galaxy of demonstrations, public utterances, personalities and texts which we include under the umbrella term La Manif pour tous (LMPT)[i]. They claim to reject homophobia whilst arguing for restrictions on marriage equality and rejecting adoption as well as assisted reproduction for same-sex couples. The upheaval against the Taubira law (the Minister of Justice who introduced the law – ed.) In the fourth chapter of the book, the Manif pour tous generation is described, or rather the LMPT generations. After having changed, arbitrarily, the definition of the word marriage, the powers that be have not stopped lying about the figures of the protests; they commanded the CESE to deem unacceptable seven hundred thousand petitions collected in three weeks. ), issued to parishes “a national proposal for the prayer of the faithful” which was read from the pulpit and whose motive was obvious. We do not want childrens lives to be woven around lies, nor do we want gender studies ideology to triumph. The last chapter examines the possibility that the LMPT will become a hegemonic power within the Right. We have protested while respecting the laws of the Republic; they have reacted as the apparatchiks of a totalitarian state, and I choose my words carefully. Thrown onto a toboggan of transgression, one can be stopped by nothing. One can easily realize the underlying conviction that moral behaviour requires national loyalty and religious faith. To that effect, memberships will be open to its sympathizers beginning in June. (Not the whole hierarchy though; dissent existed within the French episcopate – ed.)[viii]. Listen to the people, lets debate, lets reflect. We are here, all so numerous, because our fundamental and universal values unite us. Our task is huge, but it is essential. Neither can provide adequate answers concerning the cohesion of society nowadays. Brustier, Gael. : Fight for the reality of man and woman to be recognized, and for the weakest in society to be defended. The combination of dangerous theories, irreverent works of art and legislation that attempted to reverse the moral and social assumptions and the anthropological paradigms of centuries led to the birth and construction of the LMPT and to the decision of the French Catholic hierarchy to collaborate with and offer spiritual legitimacy to that movement. At the August 15 2012 day of the celebration of the Ascension of Virgin Mary, André Vingt-Trois (then-Archbishop of Paris – ed. We have carried out a historic mobilization. ‘People Not Walls’ pleads with governments for migrants in Calais: “In the name of humanity, drop the ineffective border securitisation”, “Contrary to the gospel and an abuse of human rights”: ‘We Are Church’ deplores Vatican persecution of “much loved” Irish priest, German Catholic Workers throw support behind Europe-wide push for unconditional basic income. Sabine Hark, Paula-Irene Villa, Anti-Genderismus - Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen, 2015, Transcript Verlag, Frankreich: Ehe-Öffnung für 2013 angekündigt, Journal officiel de la République française. La Manif Pour Tous Milano, Milano (Milan, Italy). All the generations are here, and among them, fathers and mothers and youths, each one keeping watch over us, over all of France, in silence, peaceful. To put it bluntly, the French Socialists – as well as the progressive intelligentsia in Greece – consider, in a more or less discreet manner, those citizens with manifest national and religious identities as Neanderthals and stupid – without being able to provide an alternative narrative that could federate society and ensure social cohesion. To describe this new “tribe” he coins the neologism Tradismatiques (from the French equivalents of the words ‘’traditionalist’’ and ‘’charismatic’’). Other translations and writings by Robert Oscar Lopez can be found at. Activists and bishops, the book continues, knew that in order to succeed they had to overcome the strict frame of “most Catholic France”. 2008: Speciale consultatieve status bij de Verenigde Naties voor COC Nederland . On 18 May, gay marriage became law in France. This success is owed principally to three causes: our lack of self-interest (for we are thinking of future generations), our concern to protect the weakest among us, our respect for the other. Die Proteste gegen die "Ehe für alle": Anzeichen eines neuen Konservatismus in Frankreich? Opinion/analysis: Is invoking Catholic ‘fraternity’ enough to counter xenophobia? [viii] “Bisbille chez les éveques de France: Acceptation des évolutions sociétales ou défense des valeurs traditionelles: l’ episcopat est divisé”, Le Figaro Magazine, 1747, 19 Avril 2014, p. 47. Our adversaries have tried everything to paint us in such a way. So it goes with these false prophets of progress and modernity. [5] Mezi jednotlivými projednáváními zákona v různých parlamentních komorách se konaly ještě další demonstrace La Manif pour tous, včetně té nejmasovější na konci března v Paříži,[6] jíž se podle policie zúčastnilo 300 tisíc a podle organizátorů 1,4 milionu Francouzů. In the first chapter, he delineates the axial beliefs of the Sarkozy presidency which preceded that of Hollande. La Manif pour Tous has launched a European organisation, Europe for Family (EFF), which didn’t prove succesful in the long run. The Manif pour Tous is the biggest social movement that France has known since May 1968. They also strongly opposed school programmes aiming at gender equality, claiming that those would “teach” homosexuality and masturbation to children. Thank you to all the volunteers of La Manif pour Tous , in Paris, in the provinces too; and of course our spokespeople, among them the first of all, Frigide Barjot. Ludovine de la Rochère is president of La Manif Pour Tous, the movement opposed to France’s recently passed same-sex marriage law. George Karpouzas is a Greek lawyer and journalist who lives in Athens. I announce to all of you, as well as to those who still think we will give up, that we will carry out this battle everywhere in France! You made possible our Manif pour Tous . Recently the fire at Notre-Dame triggered the public expression of analogous desires and hopes in the French public sphere. Their progress, probably: that of marketing the human body, renting out wombs, lying, yes, you do not know it, but you will be able to have two fathers or two mothers, for whatever nature cannot provide, they will authorize. The, , demanding to be heard, to reflect on this law, which is not only societal but a law of civilization”according to the words of Mrs. Taubira [, They claim to be men and women of dialogue and listening, In addition to this refusal to dialogue with us, the government and its agencies have added violence and arbitrary oppression. (4), Contact: 115 rue de l’Abbé Groult, 75015 Paris –, (1), (2), (3), (4), © 2020, EHF - European Humanist Federation - Contact us Tailor made by MisterJekyll, Campus de la Plaine ULB, Accès 2 Even if they didn’t attract considerable coverage in the Greek media, the massive mobilisations in the years 2012-2013 in France against the proposal and then against the law of the Socialist government of President François Hollande which legalised homosexual marriage surprised many in and out of France with their extent and dynamism. The relatively fervent religious practice in the bourgeois departments of Paris – like the 16th and the 8th – amounts to a reversal of the tenet of conventional wisdom that wealth and education lead to the waning of religious feeling in a given population. This speech was delivered at a mass rally on May 26, 2013”Frances Mothers Day”before hundreds of thousands of supporters. Although he refuses to generalise, the author does not exclude elective affinities and refers to the great importance for the development of the LMPT of the coexistence between the supporters of Catholic Tradition and those who emerged from the constellation of movements collectively known as the ’’ Charismatic Renewal’’ of Catholicism. Jedná se o seskupení několika rozdílných zájmových skupin vedených Béatrice Bourges, Frigide Barjot a Ludovine de La Rochère a sloučených v roce 2012 do jedné. But the traditional religious worldview which considers man the apex of Creation is diluted by certain postmodern movements and beliefs. *George Karpouzas is a Greek lawyer and journalist who lives in Athens. To be dressed up to protest peacefully, to keep watch in the evening while listening to the reading of the great texts regarding the doctrine of non-violence. After the publication of the book, many developments took place. But how can we believe them? Brustier points out that it would be a mistake to consider the totality of LMPT adherents as nostalgic fans of Marshal Pétain, homophobes and loyal admirers of the founding father of the French Far Right, Charles Maurras. [4] Krátce nato demonstrovalo naopak něco mezi 125 tisíci (policie) a 400 tisíci (organizátoři) občanů pro přijetí tohoto zákona. Protests have been forbidden; innocent children, mothers, and peaceful old people were gassed on March 24; floats have been banned; people wearing, Our adversaries act this way because they are afraid, because the law they voted is a heinous law written under the pressure from the LGBT lobby.
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