Additionally, its spectacular annual events draw thousands of visitors; these include the Point-to-Point steeplechase race, the Delaware Antiques Show and the Yuletide tour of the du Pont house bedecked in holiday finery. MmI3NzYzOTMwZTNkNjczOTg1ODViZTdlNjRlMGRhYTUwOTAxM2M5ODE1Zjdh Opening May 1 Beginning in childhood, Henry Francis du Pont was a collector, gathering birds’ eggs, plants, and other natural objects in the gardens and woods of Winterthur and beyond. NDIwZGViNTQwZDc1ODM2ZTc0Y2M5YWZiN2JjNmVmM2FkOWFjNTZhNzQ1Yzkw 800. 448.3883 April 2021: Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa; 28: 29: 30: 31: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17 MmNjZDIwYmFhODAyZWQyNThjZjY2NzAxNDFjM2VjNzI1NDY4MzNjMTk0OGQ4 NjM3OTA1Y2Q1YzZlNDk2OWQ0ODdmNTAwNmI5N2E0YWJlNDE5NDRjZDcwZWMy ... Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library. YmE4OWIyMmJiMzM1YmViOTU3Yzk2YTAzZTU5ZjI5MDdhNTg2N2JhNmUzY2Vk MTY0M2RhODdkNGJlYWE0ZGU4MGYxODQ5ZjFmNzgyNjk3MmY2M2U3NTc2NTRi 800. OWY1ZTU1ZmZiNjViNDYxOTVmZWYzMWZmMTdkOWJjMTcyNWM5NTNkMjUzOTQ2 Rain date: May 1, 2021. Join Winterthur as a Member and save! 5105 Kennett Pike The 1,000 acre estate has meadows and woodlands, along with a 60 acre garden, house museum, library, and gallery. MjBhYTM4OGJkN2ZlOWVhZDZjNGM3ODU0NjFiZDE1YjE3Y2M4MmNjYzBlYzY5 Members enjoy year-round, dawn-to-dusk access to miles of paths on the nearly 1,000-acre Winterthur estate as well as free general admission, complimentary guest passes, discounts in the museum cafe, discounts on programs and events, and reciprocal admission to hundreds of participating American Horticultural Society sites.. NDUwNjM3Yzc2NjIxMjVkNmZkZTQ2ZTNlOWViNmE2MzVjMTJjNzYxNDlkZTVh MDlhY2FlZDMzMjZmYjZkOTdjM2RlNTk3OTVmZWMzN2YzY2NlOGU2NTU4YzY4 448.3883 302.888.4600 302.888.4907 TTY. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library, the property owned by Henry Francis du Pont, displays a stunning collection of American antiques. Imagine the backdrop of your event is the magnificent former mansion of Henry Francis du Pont. ZjIyNjJmYWJjMjk2ZWY0MTE3ZDU3YTA3ZTU2OWFmMmEwNmY5NDBjMzhmM2Q4 Drop in rate of $10 per member. This is an outdoor walking event in the garden, weather permitting. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 12 Apr 2021 20:07:09 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware 19735. NzgzOWIyYzc2ODAzNmU4NjUyYzRhZjVmMWZhMjFlZjJkOTVhMjJkM2IxOWEz Events Museum Events Search and Views Navigation Search Enter Keyword. Event Views Navigation Month Month Day Today » 4/11/2021 April 2021 Select date. 302.888.4907 TTY, Spring, Summer & Fall Calendar of Events M ... Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware 19735. MWI0MTA3NTY2Yzg5ZWYzNGZlNDI4ODZjNzIxMDU5YjRmMDQwMWIyNjBkZTJj Nestled in the picturesque Brandywine Valley, Winterthur Museum & Country Estate sits amidst nearly 1,000 acres of rolling meadows, woodlands and a dazzling 60-acre garden. Nestled in the rolling hills of the Brandywine Valley, Winterthur is a historic estate on par with some of the most famous estates in the country, such as Biltmore Estate, The Breakers, and Monticello. Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur, DE. Museum Tours. We are open! Explore some of our most popular trails with guided tours exclusively for …, Continue reading "Member Appreciation Day", Activate your internal energy and strengthen your body and spirit as you practice slow, easy motions to get into the rhythm of nature. Enjoy double discounts in the Museum Store and online and both virtual and onsite programming, created especially for our Members! Unique museum, garden, and visitor center space available. 800.448.3883 302.888.4600 302.888.4907 TTY 800.448.3883 302.888.4600 302.888.4907 TTY Benefactor benefits + the privilege of hosting a private event at Winterthur. Tour the Trails of Winterthur! Y2RiNmNhZTRmZDg0NGFhMDhmYzUzZWVmZGI2ODM4ZjA0MjZlN2UwMGUzODc0 Search for Events by Keyword. Search the Winterthur Museum Collections. YWI0NDM1ZWRlYzI0YjEwNWZhODAwOWFhOGNmMDkyODFjYjA3YzA4Yjk2NGFh 11:00 and 1:00 pm Did you know that we have trails that lead you beyond Winterthur’s historic garden? Winterthur. Telephone: ... LinkedIn; Dedicated to inspiring exploration of American culture and landscapes. 44,214 likes. Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library encompasses an unrivaled museum of American decorative arts in its mansion and galleries and a magnificent 60-acre naturalistic garden—all set on 1,000 gorgeous acres. NmQ3ZTliNDZlYjFkZjAwYzY4ZWUwZmNlODIxYjNiOThjNjIxZDE1YzIwNjI5 ... Witherthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, DE 19735. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYTYxMDYyZDdmMTkwNDg4MzU5MjcxOWU5OWMwNTZiNDA2 ODAwYzAzMzEyMTUyYzc4MjBmYWJjYTk3ZTUxNmU5NjMzZTJiYjUxM2Y4MzRl Pricing and availability for: Friday, April 9, 2021. Tuesday–Sunday, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, During Yuletide NzM5MzQyZTdmZGY2NDVjMmJiNWIzY2IzNGFhZDVlZTZiM2E0ZmEyNDAxYWE4 YWJiMDVlZTk1N2JjMWQ0NGQwNjIzZWY0MTdkNjJmN2Y2Zjc0MjBkNzk1ZWU0 Winterthur continually plans for exciting new exhibitions for our Members and visitors to view. ZWNkNWI4MmZhZWMyOGYxNTZjNWI4ODhhYTFlZDY3ZTVkNmEzZjNjYjlhZjM3 Lauren will provide an overview of Winterthur’s garden object collection, sharing recent collaborative initiatives across the museum to …, Continue reading "Garden Objects at Winterthur: A Conservation Affair (Virtual Presentation)", Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library encompasses an unrivaled museum of American decorative arts in its mansion and galleries and a magnificent 60-acre naturalistic garden—all set on 1,000 gorgeous acres. ZTcyNmRhMzhiNzBlMWVhYTBmMDBmYTMzYjRjMGJkMGI0ZWFmMjcxNWM2ZGU1 On select Friday evenings, Winterthur comes alive for a little after-hours fun. Programs and Events. NzU2YTIzYmU1YWFhYmUwZjU3NGRkY2Q5MzZlYzViNzEwZGQ5MzJkYjUwZWE3 YTUzMDRiYjVmMzI4ZjU0MDViNGU4ODVkNzUyYWRhNGE0NmMyY2I0NjU0ZDcw Hours & Accessibility. I wish to give a gift of membership: Comments: I wish to give an additional contribution of: $ Contact Us; About Winterthur; Employment; Volunteer; Press Room; Suggestion Box; Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware, 19735. Library Participation in Garden/Winterthur events. NzA2NjRjMGEzMzEyNmYwNDE4YjhlZTljN2I4YmI0ODM1MDBmM2I5NWQ5MjRj ODNjMjI5OThlNjQ4NTk1NmNhZGEyNDE4Y2FkZmQ1ZmI4YTE3ZDRhMDY5NDYy The 60-acre garden is also world-renowned and, for families, there is Winterthur’s award-winning Enchanted Woods to explore. Monday–Sunday, 10:00 AM-5:30 PM. Each event is customized to meet your individual needs. YzA0Y2E4YTk4MzJkNjA2NzZiMzU0YTM1N2VjZDBkMjg5YzJmNzM2OWExNDg2 43,933 likes. Winterthur, Delaware 19735, 800. 800. ZDAyMWU3MTZkYmZhZDk0YjFjZWE1MDEifQ== Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur, DE. Reservations … Continue reading "Wine through Winterthur ... Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware 19735. Signature events such as the Winterthur Point-to-Point Races and Delaware Antiques Show draw thousands of visitors and attendees each year. And it was a gold mine! The garden is a very important piece of the museum, especially during the spring and summer. 800. Important information for visitors to Winterthur during COVID-19. MWE1NmZkMjQyMGNkYmY0YjdjZmRmMTMzNTUyOTg3MzVhMWQzMzg2ZDBjNjE5 Join now with this limited-time, discounted Membership offer* and attend family-friendly events such as Truck and Tractor Day and Yuletide at Winterthur … OGQzOTUxNGExMmRmMDIxNjk1ODhkODZlMzhmMGRhMzdkYzE0NGUxNjg1NTkz Find Events. dXJlIjoiMWZjNzIzMzI3NGRlNWU0ZmJhYjQ4ZDQzODQzZTliYWUxOWM3YjEz Mailing Address. The Winterthur Museum Stores, on-site and online, are currently closed in preparation for a brand new shopping experience set to open in summer of 2021. The library is open by appointment only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; please contact for more information. Hours & … We invite you to explore this exceptional place of … Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware, 19735. NDEzZWIwNTlmYjY2M2JiZTJjYmU5MDk2NGZiY2NhYzVmN2M4M2MwMzM0YmRi 448.3883 302.888.4600 302.888.4907 TTY. All Rights Reserved. Event Views Navigation Month Month Day ... Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware 19735. Earliest Year (YYYY) Latest Year (YYYY) Mark or Signature or Inscription or Label Museum Events – Explore Museum Events. Our professional staff specialize in weddings and corporate events, including staff meetings, lectures, luncheons, retreats, seminars, holiday parties, and conferences. Courtesy, Winterthur Library, Printed Book and Periodical Collection The Winterthur Poison Book Project is an ongoing investigation initiated in April 2019 to explore the materiality of Victorian-era bookcloth, with a primary focus on the identification of potentially toxic pigments used as … Enjoy music, a beer garden, and a stroll around the grounds, explore the Galleries after hours, and, on some Fridays, enjoy a guided garden stroll or talk with … Please click the "website" link above to learn about Winterthur's COVID-19 guidelines. ZmRhMjcwMWY4NTg0ZDAwY2VlZjdlZTZkY2RhZDhjYTU5ZTI1YmQ2YTNmOTY1 ZGRlODYyOTQ1NDkzNGQ3YmVkOTA2YzQzOWE5YTllMjM4MzhlOWYzYTQwYjI0 Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library 5105 Kennett Pike Winterthur, Delaware 19735. OGRmMjEwZGEwMGVjZWU2YjI3YjkwNjY2YzIwZWRjYTU1NWZjODE2MzFjMWFh Can occur outside of … ZmQ2ZGE1ODZlZDI2OTY5YWYxN2I0ZDI2MjE2NDllYTM0YTU2M2FmY2NiYzJj MTFiNWIwMmNjZmMwZGNiMjA5Mzc1M2NjZTdlNjQ0MTZiYzBlNWM1N2UzZjA0 MDBlNzkxNTYxMzA2YmZhOWRmOWQ1YzAyOTQxN2VkNjlhMTEzZWIzNjA0MzU3 Search for Events by Keyword. Its 60-acre naturalistic garden is among the country’s best, and its research library serves scholars from around the globe. MDg1ODI3ZWFkZTQyM2UxMDE3ZjljOGNjYmY4NzE5NmU1NTQ5NzlhNGU0ODgx Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library encompasses an unrivaled museum of American decorative arts in its mansion and galleries and a magnificent 60-acre naturalistic garden—all set on 1,000 gorgeous acres. OWExMTcwNDgyNzUzMDBhYmI2NWIzMDMzNGYyZmVmZjk0ODkyYzdiMGNhNzUw YzZiOTEyODdlMDljYTNjYjliZGY1YmE3YjdjNzYxY2Y5N2IzYTcyNDliNzNm YWMwMDU5ODBjYzkyZGZlNmRmYjljMzU4ZGRmYWZhNmU3Njg3MTA2OTNkMTVi Wear layers appropriate to the season. -----END REPORT-----. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Bring a yoga mat, small towel, and a water bottle. Winterthur offers more than 200 programs and events annually, including fascinating lectures, conferences, garden events, concerts, youth programs, performances, and much more! OGU5NDBkZDhhMTJkYjJiZjA3YjE2ZmMzMmM4MzQ1ZmE1MzQyOTk1M2U5ZWMx "Garden Objects at Winterthur: A Conservation Affair (Virtual Presentation)", Garden Objects at Winterthur: A Conservation Affair (Virtual Presentation). 302.888.4600 MzQzYzlhMzU2NzhjMzk4NTNhNGJjNDBkNjQ0NmE1ZDU4M2E3MDQzMGNkMmE4 NjNiNzRlNTBhMjBlNzE2ZDBiOTllMzQ1ZmU0NzhlNGM0YjFhIiwic2lnbmF0 Mzc4OTExMGUxYWMxNTQwMDVkN2Y0NzFhNGUxYjFkMzc0MDhjYmU2ZWIwZTUz ZWUzNzc2ODdkMjQ3M2JiNzczNjAzYWM0MzVjZGY0YmI0OWUxMThhMmZkMWIz 43,773 likes. For more information, contact Beth …, This event is for Benefactor ($500) Level and Above Members Join us for a complimentary virtual presentation and Q & A with Lauren Fair, Head of Objects Conservation at Winterthur and Affiliated Assistant Professor, University of Delaware. Led by Beth Sheehy. MmI0ODA0OWMzOTIyMDk3YzkyMjFhNGFlMDJlMjdjZGExZTU5N2M0NTVlOTNk Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur, DE. OTU3MjY2OGIxYjczNGU2NzZmMmU1NTUwZDQ2M2Y0Njc4MjA3YzViNDk0Nzhl M2QxZTM3MzRmYjQ0OTI5ZTk1NjRjMmQ0YTdkOGYxMzI1OTAwOTAwMjc2NmJi 448.3883 302.888.4600 302.888.4907 TTY 800. Bring a blanket and enjoy live music from the Jazz Duo, Sharon & Shawn.
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