Prometheus, Osiris, John Barleycorn, and of course the Jesus of Christianity are all supposed to embody this same principle. Interestingly, the ring in Wagner’s opera has a transformative effect similar to the black goo: at one point in the story, the giant Fafnir is cursed by the ring and turned into a hideous serpent.At some point in the past, it seems that a civil war broke out between the castes of Engineers, reflecting both the battle between God and Satan in,If that’s the case, how does this civil war fit into the plot of,Another question you may have been asking when.For the Engineer, who probably hasn’t seen a human in millennia, it might seem shocking that ordinary mortals have evolved so far that they can travel to other planets and build artificial life forms. Realising that we mortals will want the power of the goo for themselves, he goes ballistic, beats Weyland up with David’s severed head, then jets off in a Juggernaut to complete his mission – that is, to destroy Earth with his deadly cargo.Ridley Scott has said that his prequel movies will eventually join up to the events of 1979’s.Of course, our theories may be all wrong, but given we already know that the Alien franchise has already taken inspiration from the works from such disparate authors as HP Lovecraft, Joseph Conrad, John Milton, AE van Vogt and Erich von Daniken, while Prometheus drew on the Greek myth of a Titan who stole fire from the gods. (I'm not even going to begin to explore the pro-choice versus forced birth implications of that scene. They could have destroyed us at any time, but instead, they effectively invited us over; the big pointy finger seems to be saying 'Hey, guys, when you're grown up enough to develop space travel, come see us.' And now, after so long, here humanity is, presumptuously accepting a long-overdue invitation, and even reawakening (and corrupting all over again) the life fluid.And who has humanity chosen to represent them? J’ai mon hypothèse mais le,sujet reste ouvert. It takes it apart in order to create opportunities for new life. Zélfs niet als het goed in beeld gebracht was, wat in Prometheus allesbehalve het geval is. A lone Engineer at the top of a waterfall goes through a strange ritual, drinking from a cup of black goo that causes his body to disintegrate into the building blocks of life. This post goes way in depth to Prometheus and explains some of the deeper themes of the film as well as some stuff I completely overlooked while watching the film.NOTE: I did NOT write this post, I just found it on the web.Prometheus contains such a huge amount of mythic resonance that it effectively obscures a more conventional plot. See it from the Engineer's perspective. Encore une fois, la clé de cette,énigme réside dans le personnage de David. Le rôle des ET est,d'apporter la vie sur les planètes semblables à la terre. (bien vu,Ridley !! comme je le disais au,départ, elle est souvent juste sous vos yeux… (et il y a aussi un.autre indice laissé volontairement dans l’un des paragraphes)... jaurais vrement voulue savoir a quoi vous pensais , lorsque vous dite la reponse et sous vos yeux .. les pere fondateur.. la vie un eternel recommencement ..Je vois que vous avez laissé des "A" volontairement dans les mots "antité" et "recommancement"au dernier paragraphe ca veut dire que ce sont les Aliens pour vous le vrais père fondateur?Excellente analyse, très différente de la plupart, et pour une fois pertinente ! I never felt anything for anyone, or any tension save for the brief surgery scene.Good. Il faut donc reconsidérer les choses,autrement. The day of this strange birth just happens to be Christmas Day. Then I would say 'Actually he [the Engineer in Alien] is one of the group that had gone off and his cargo had gotten out of control, because he was heading somewhere else and it got out of control and actually he had died in the process and that would be the story there,''" the director revealed. Er is een stevige cast verzameld, maar iedereen zit maar gewoon wat op de automatische piloot te spelen. Explications théories et critiques.Abonnez-vous pour être averti des nouveaux articles publiés.Pour être informé des derniers articles, inscrivez vous :Fast and Furious 6 sortie cinéma le 22 mai 2013,EPIC : la bataille du royaume secret sortie mai 2013.d’explorateurs découvre un indice sur l’origine de l’humanité sur Terre. Dans Prometheus il s'agit de la planéte LV 223 . I think that, upon entering the room, they would don their suits to avoid exposure to the slime. That's a pattern we see replicated throughout the ancient world. Perhaps the Engineer wanted to die again, to undo the tainted human agenda of new life without sacrifice.Reading all of these comments made me look this up: LV-223 = Leviticus 22:3 "Say to them: 'For the generations to come, if any of your descendants is ceremonially unclean and yet comes near the sacred offerings that the Israelites consecrate to the LORD, that person must be cut off from my presence. Résultat, tout le,monde pense arriver à destination mais David sait parfaitement où,de l'exploration du vaisseau, on le voit se diriger directement vers,la salle de commande, et couper volontairement la caméra. Voilà pourquoi David a contaminé le,scientifique, et pourquoi il n'est pas intervenu sur sa compagne. Immediately after she runs the decontamination protocol which appears to kill the alien fetus.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast,News & Discussion about Major Motion Pictures,Press J to jump to the feed. It was this hubris that had necessitated humanity's destruction, so he tries to complete his mission.He first looks and smiles at David, seems to caress him, and then destroys him. Wat in zijn latere producties wel ontbreekt is bezieling, zo ook hier. Alleen Sarah Connor van de Terminator films komt daarvoor in de aanmerking.Na de 4 Alien delen ben ik dan begonnen met Prometheus, ik dacht dat het een vervolg was op de Alien films, maar eigenlijk kan je het zien als de allereerste Alien aangezien ze in deze film geboren worden en je ziet wat daar vooraf ging in een bijna 2 uur durende film.Spannend van begin tot einde, prima science-fiction film die ook nu nog goed overkomt!! Let's roll. Toutes les,thèses partent du postula que les ET veulent nous détruire après,nous avoir donné la vie. Je gebruikersnaam is voor iedereen zichtbaar, en kun je later niet meer aanpassen.aan Holloway waarom de mens hem gemaakt heeft? The mealworms become extremely strong snake-like creatures; Fifield doesn't ingest it, but its contact with him changes him drastically.The slime that occupies Shaw's womb is simply the progenitor to the Xenomorph. Son objectif est de se venger de la race humaine, et,par la même occasion des créateurs qui ont engendré la race,humaine. (How else are we to explain the numerous images of Engineers in primitive art, complete with star diagram showing us the way to find them?) sont ils à l’origine de la vie ?oui et non. Je vous mets quand même sur une piste :la vie est un éternel recommancement… Alors qui est le père,créateur ? What was Prometheus all about? The reason the Engineers don't like us any more is that they made us a Space Jesus, and we broke him. '.A barren woman called Elizabeth, made pregnant by 'God'? L’univers d'Alien est un univers de fiction issu de la rencontre, dans un futur lointain, entre l'équipage d'un vaisseau spatial commercial et une créature extraterrestre appelée Xénomorphe, ou de façon générique, la bête ou « l'Alien ». Remember, all of the hologram Engineers were running out of the stockpile room. Voiloir,interpréter le film à partir du mythe est absurde, ce serait trop,facile. The first Engineer seen drinks the slime in order to spread his DNA throughout the planet, and be a gardener of life. I believe this is because he recognized David as humanity's feeble attempt to create life -- they could only manage an imitation. If you parallel that idea with other sacrificial elements in history – which are clearly illustrated with the Mayans and the Incas – he would live for one year as a prince, and at the end of that year, he would be taken and donated to the gods in hopes of improving what might happen next year, be it with crops or weather, etcetera. The heaps of dead bodies on LV-223 in Prometheus could have been the first sign of this; further clues can be found in some of the set photos which have leaked out of Alien: Covenant‘s production. It is a form that can reproduce using a host to evolve rapidly, absorbing traits in the host DNA.My analysis of why the Engineers had meant to destroy Earth's life and how it led to the events in Prometheus:The Engineers spread and monitored life. So then dumbass old man wakes the guy up and the engineer guy's first thought is "oh yea! '.Can we find a God in human history who creates plant life through his own death, and who is associated with a river? The complete Alien timeline, from Prometheus to Alien: Resurrection. Ils pensaient.maitriser les choses comme nous pensions le faire avec les machines.Vous commencez à saisir où je veux en venir ? That creation asks him to preserve his already unnaturally long life. Les ET n'ont pas du tout l'intention de nous détruire car.lieu de rendez vous : est ce vraiment la planète des ET ? Cinemagoers are confused when the head explodes, because it's not clear why it should have done so. Hence the Engineers running from the ship in full flight gear.When Weyland wakes the Engineer, he awakens to find the creation he had set out to destroy. Revenons sur David. Les ET (Ou Space Jockey) eux-mêmes n’ont-ils,pas fait une erreur en manipulant les aliens ? He all but invites Meredith Vickers to kill him, and it's surely significant that she does so using fire, the other gift Prometheus gave to man besides his life.The 'Caesarean' scene is central to the film's themes of creation, sacrifice, and giving life. I don't think they're clear, and I'm not entirely comfortable doing so. This was a big no-no, as fire was supposed to be the exclusive property of the Gods. Slap verhaal en een cast die telkens in onbenullig gevaar is. Humanity couldn't have chosen a worse ambassador.It's hardly surprising that the Engineer reacts with contempt and disgust, ripping David's head off and battering Weyland to death with it. Zeker voor een sf uniek!ik heb 'm geen 6 keer gezien en weet heel goed wie Brett is. I'd like to draw your attention to the use of motifs and callbacks in the film that not only enrich it, but offer possible hints as to what was going on in … It's inevitable. They knew about it and how it was born. Il.avait donc bien une idée en tête dès le début. Unlike the hapless geologist and botanist left behind in the chamber, who only want to stay alive, Holloway willingly embraces death. They used the planet they had directed us to; I think this was because that base was the one assigned to monitor Earth and humankind.They planned to drop this stockpile onto Earth to destroy mankind, but allow life to continue. You say the black slime either is life creating or destroying based on the mindset of the individual. We did something very, very bad, and somehow the consequences of that dreadful act accompanied the Engineers back to LV-223 and massacred them.If you have uneasy suspicions about what 'a bad thing approximately 2,000 years ago' might be, then let me reassure you that you are right. Doctor Elizabeth M. "Ellie" "El" Shaw was an accomplished archaeologist with doctorates in paleontology, archaeology, human mythology, and metics who was assigned to assist the USCSS Prometheus expedition in discovering the homeworld of the Engineers on LV-223. The trouble all begins after the Earth-bound crew intercept what they initially believe to be a distress signal (they later find out it's a warning call) and investigate a ship that appears to have crashed on a small, asteroid-like planet or moon (LV-426).A baby Xenomorph later bursts through poor Kane's chest - at this stage, it's called a Chestburster - and, after swiftly growing into a fully-fledged adult Alien, begins hunting the crew down one by one. muses David, employing a quote from the poem Ozymandias that suggests that the mighty civilization he is gazing at is about to fall very soon...Others, however, aren't quite so fortunate. The apple, it would seem, does not fall far from the tree; humanity unwittingly followed in the Engineers' footsteps.The Engineer kills the present crew and begins to set out for Earth. On those visits, they directed primitive man to a solar system where we might contact the Engineers.In that solar system, the Engineers terraformed a moon for us to travel to. Te veel ergernissen.Wat een heerlijke film, gister herzien voor de 2de keer. The stockpile ruptured as they made preparations to leave. We have to assume, then, that for a good few hundred thousand years, they were pretty happy with us. Après un «Prometheus» laborieux en 2012, Ridley Scott continue de saccager les vestiges de son cauchemar fondateur : la créature n’est plus ici qu’une pondeuse impénitente. The goo can mutate, generate and destroy life, after all, which means that whoever has control of it has a similarly god-like power. They created this stockpile on a forward base as they knew it was dangerous and even threatened them as a species. C'est faux, absurde, et toutes les,incohérences viennent de là. The Engineers served their superiors much as the giants did: moving from planet to planet and terraforming them with black goo, a mutagen which functions as the all-powerful ring in this story. Mais,attention ! Voici ma réponse : au,départ donc, nous n'avons que des reines. Dans ce cas, pourquoi les.ET nous indiqueraient ils une planète hostile pour les rencontrer ?La vérité, c'est que pendant le voyage, David a reprogrammé la,trajectoire du vaisseau. We see the fragments of his body falling into the river, twirling and spiralling into DNA helices.Ridley Scott has this to say about the scene: 'That could be a planet anywhere. Réponse : oui et non.Les ET sont tous des hommes, ils sont toutefois un peu différents de,nous : ils ne possèdent que la séquence Y. Les aliens sont tous des,femelles et ne possèdent que la séquence X.
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